Day 210 – 4/7/14 – Wullumbilla – Hodgsonvale QLD

Thank God for the free powered site in Wullumbilla as it was pretty bloody cold last night, even with the heater on. The boys climbed under the covers on our bed and we snuggled in the cold, but all good things ahve to come to an end, we had to hit the road, we had a fair few Ks to cover.

All packed up we hit the road and kept of driving. We pulled up at Miles to take a picture to complete our “Are We There Yet” tour, we didn’t shear any sheep while we were there, we have done that elsewhere.

We stopped in Dalby and had chip buddies in the park, but we really lashed out for our last lunch and had a potato scallop and calamari ring each!  By mid afternoon we were in Toowoomba and we stopped by one of my customers to say Hi. There was a light rain falling, the first we have seen of the wet stuff, thankfully, for an awfully long time!

Around 3 we pulled into our good friends Jo and Kev’s house our last free camp for the trip. De has know them for more than 20 years and it was great to see some familiar faces again. The boys played with their kids while we chatted, having nibblies and a few refreshing beers. When Kev came home dinner was on and we all sat around their massive kitchen table and had a yummy dinner. As the night wore on beer turned to wine and then Kev and I endeavoured to finish of the last of my drum of rum...we almost made it!

A suprise beard rub from the "Beardie Weardie"
It was already tomorrow when we called it stumps, in less than 12 hours we will be home!

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