Our First Trip - Somerset Dam

Well after a lot of preparation, with still an awful lot to go, we headed of on our first trip last weekend. We were going to do an "all" free camping weekend to really test everything out but it was agreed that we should try a night at a camp ground, in an unpowered site of course, before we hit the free camps. We loaded up and headed for Somerset Dam on the outskirts of Brisbane. The Boys and I have been there before but De has never ventured there before. We were up nice and early and rolled out with a touch of nervousness. Thank God Dorothy and Greg, our wonderful neighbours, were on hand to take a pre-launch photo. We arrived and setting up for the first time was a dream! In the old van setting up was a 30+ minute episode that raised a sweat in the middle of winter. Apart from needing to get a coupler of chocks for the front legs - it was all done in 5 minutes flat - AMAZING LUXURY! After a bit of preparation we headed to the boat ramp, that was pretty busy, and had our first real launch of the boat, using our side loader. It went of like an absolute treat - much to my surprise. We were ready to launch when I realised we (read I) had forgotten the bungs for the boat. So while De drove to the Kiosk then into Kilcoy to get a replacement, I went cap in hand to all of the other boaties hoping to find somebody with a spare bung. After about 10 minutes we found an super organised boatie who had a spare - problem was that the bung in our boat is extra large and is as rare as rocking horse dung! Another 15 minutes and a nice Pommie pulling his boat out was happy to loan me his. The boys and I set off for the Red Claw grounds and had most of the pots set by the time De arrived back with a new bung! A fun afternoon of tubing in Tom the Fox ensued. Jacko has finally managed to put on enough beef for me to be able to sling shot him, but not enough to reach speeds the throw him - little bugger. Both boys had a ripping time especially when they went on the tube together. A lazy afternoon was spent trying to wind down and all was going well until....

The previous night we had spent a few hours trying to get the fridge working. Not having had a 3 way fridge since Noah was in prep I figured it was me who was getting something wrong. We managed to get it going on 240v so we figured the all the problems must have been to do with getting the van perfectly level. After trying to light it for the 500th time I called Adventure Caravans who lead me through the process. Still no luck...so they put me onto their fridge man who declared it was stuffed - even before I had the chance to use it! Philosophically we decided that it was all Ok and that we would just get some ice and head home in the morning - until I spied a power point on the outside of a private cabin near us (remember the 240v was working fine) but unfortunately they were wise to campers like me and had turned their power off. Luckily as about an hour later they turned up so I again took my hat of and told my sob story. They were more than happy to let us plug in - Yeah! We can stay...and I can have cold beers!! We had a great night roasting marshmallows over an open fire spending time together.

On the night before we left I recommended to De that we should throw the doona in just in case, but with the days hovering in the low 30s it was deemed not important. At around 3am I woke and after chipping the icicles of my nose I proceeded to don every piece of clothing I had. But rather than doing it all in the first waking I did it piece by piece, waking up 30 minutes later realising that I was still freezing so donning another piece...by 6am the cupboard was bare and I was almost warm.

For our second day, as check out was 6pm (yes 6PM), we decided we would hang around as long as we could. We checked the red claw traps and caught around 20 tasty morsels which were devoured in a garlic and butter sauce for lunch. The fuel in the boat was getting low so activity was limited to the boys playing in the tube using oars to paddle out and back as fast as they could. A second checking of the pots left us empty handed and Tom the Fox was loaded back onto the roof without a hitch! Amazing. We packed up (again in 5 minutes) and headed for our first night of free camping.

We found that Moore had powered free sites (REALLY) and it was only about 40 minutes up the road so off we went. While there were only two power points one of the other campers was more than happy to turn their fridge back to gas once they learnt of our plight! Another relaxing evening was had and the rest of the marshmallows were consumed toasted to perfection on hand whittled sticks. While some people learn from their mistakes I choose to make the same ones over and over again - going to bed in boxers and a T-shirt. I was at least smart enough to realise after the second time I woke up that I needed to put everything on again. In hindsight I should have just gone over and jumped in with one of the boys who were toasty - under their doonas!

The morning was spent writing out lists of things we need to accomplish in the next 9 weeks before we roll out of Brisbane. We headed home and made it in time for lunch and to catch up with Tony who had arrived to begin his first week of education about how to run the business in out absence.

All in all a great weekend. Loving the van - except for the fridge to keep the beers cold, and the doona to keep me warm!


  1. Who's first - Bless my soul! It's me. Do I win a prize?

  2. Good stuff champ. Sounds like it is going to be a cracking adventure - enjoy :)

  3. Good on you mate. Looking forward to reading your blogs so I don't make the same mistakes when I go around the block in 2015. Must learn how to do a blog. Task 1 on the list.
