Day 2 – 8/12/13 - Lennox Head NSW –> Sydney NSW

We were up bright and early, not because we had 800+kms to drive but because it was our youngest son, Sam’s seventh birthday. We had managed to snuggle a few pressies in which he was stoked about as we told him he was only getting a trip around Australia for his birthday!
I managed to totally stuff up the breakfast pancakes by doubling the flour mixture but kinda managed to save them for the adults – at least no need for a number 2 stops for a while.

After more hugs and kisses from Nana we were Sydney bound. To celebrate Sam’s birthday we had Maccas in Coffs Harbour and then bar a few toilet stops rolled into De’s sister Allison’s place around 7. We probably could have got there quicker but we decided we had better take the rig over the Harbour Bridge as part of the trip.
All was going swimmingly until I swung the truck around to set the Gator up to be backed into Ally’s narrow driveway. I think a half a second later and it would have been fine but instead my home made bike carrier attached to the back of the van had managed to take a nice swipe out of the back of a delivery van – Bugger! Oh well – good to get a (the??) major incident out of the way early and the bike rack still worked perfectly and – Just for the Forsyth’s sake – the bikes were unharmed and still attached to the back of the van!

Jack and Sam had an absolute blast playing with their cousins William and Sara who I am sure they would have been happy to stay with for the 7 months we will be away!
Ally made a great meal for us and had made an incredible ice cream cake for Sam that made him feel like a million dollars! Once the boys were asleep we had one or was it two more drinks, carried the boys to the van and had our first night on the road.... to the dulcet tones of Sydney Airport!

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