Day 10 – 15/12/13 – Jamieson Vic –> Wilsons Promontory Vic

Nick the German ,whom was sharing our free camp site with us, had given me a few hints about trout fishing the night before so I was up early with rod in hand heading for the river. It was an awesome morning watching heaps of brown trout taking flies and bugs of the top of the water. Unfortunately they weren’t interested in any of my lures but the adrenalin was up every time I saw one break the water. When one of my lures got snagged I decided to leave it attached to the line and head back, get the goggles and retrieve it after breakfast. Fully nourished I returned to find it was only knee deep water. Nick and the boys came down to watch and we noticed a huge yabby hiding under a submerged log. As Jack ran back to get the landing net Nick noticed the great great great grandmother of the huge yabby sunning itself a few meters away, this thing was prehistoric. When Jack returned with the net Nick joined me in the water and we mounted two pronged attack. A minute later and we had ourselves a MASSIVE yabby! Much to the boys difference we decided that we she was to beautiful to eat and we put the old girl back for the sake of the future. 

We packed up and headed for Wilsons Prom. While it is only 200kms as the crow flies I guestimated it would be a 4 hour drive as the first 60k were on dirt road. The first 2 hours heading up the river were awesome. Sure the road was a bit corrugated but otherwise in pretty good shape and the scenery was magnificent twisting alongside the river through tiny villages. Once we reached Matlock however the grader seemed to have decided about a decade ago not to worry about going any further. There are usually pot holes on roads but I think this pot hole had a road! After about an hour and a half (that’s 3 ½ on dirt now) later we reached a bitumen road to our delight and some cheering, only for it to disappear again five minutes later for another bone jarring half an hour. So with about eight hours of dirt roads in two days we decided to add lesson #2 -  NO MORE (long) DIRT ROADS, especially in the high country of Victoria. There was the opportunity take another dirt road that would have shaved about 150kms of the trip but took the long way instead.
The boys had been so good and had hardly complained so we lashed out and had hot chip sandwiches for lunch in Warburton. We finally got out of the mountains and to my relief onto the flats of what I think is called the Gippsland region. Nine hours later we had completed the 200km journey and that doesn’t even include the 4 hour short cut from the day before! I have since taken the time to see what the difference in kilometres and time is according to Google Maps....our route was a massive 24kms shorter but only ADDED about 4 hours to the journey – high country driving is something different!

We were excited to be at Wilson’s Prom or The Prom for a few reasons. Firstly we had hot showers! Secondly we could tick the most southerly point of our list, thirdly it is also in Are We There Yet?and finally it was the end of our biiiig drives - everything from here will be short hops and skips of an hour or two, at least until we get to Perth (with the exception of the Nullarbor Plain)  As we drove in the sandy beaches looked awesome and I couldn’t wait to get some sand and salt water between my dusty toes!

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