Day 15 – 20/12/13 – Carrum -> Forrest Hill Vic

While we weren’t awoken by it we hadn’t long been out from under the sheets when we were greeted by a Knock Knock on the door. The owner of the knocks wasn’t some generous bloke offering me a free spot on a charter boat but a Vic Parks ranger informing us that we weren’t allowed to camp here. He was a nice young bloke and when I was sheepishly informing him that we hadn’t camped here but were just stopping for breakfast he cast looked at Jack and while I don’t think being a poker player was at the top of his “I wanna be a .... when I grow up” list I certainly is at the bottom of it now! Must have been a trick they taught him at Ranger Danger School! He was still happy to take my reasoning and left us alone.

We packed up and headed north towards St Kilda and the ramp locator helped out again pointing us towards the St Kilda Yacht Club and for $3 one of the best views of Port Phillip Bay.
Our ‘Are we there yet’ bucket list included visiting Luna Park and finding a one legged man to teach the boys to juggle! The first one was pretty easy and the boys had a ball on the ‘roller coaster’ but we gave up pretty quickly on the juggler, even a bipodal one was unable to be found.

We then walked through Acland ogling at all of the yummy cakes on display but it was unfortunately a bit early to see the ‘real’ sites of St Kilda on display! A quick walk out to the pier and then back to van to wait for an exciting visitor.

While there are many knockers of Facebook, it has allowed me to reconnect with a number of people that I haven’t seen in years. I had reconnected with Jenny Maree (nee) Summers over the past year and it was great for her to come and visit, especially during the silly season. We had a great catch up and the boys were besotted by her. After an all too short catch up we headed to Forest Hill to catch up with an old work colleague Andrea her husband Brad and their kids. We parked the van in their drive way had few relaxing beers and shared a few laughs while the kids ran riot. Brad had cooked a super yummy curry for us and it was great to be able to sit on a couch and watch some cricket before hitting the hay at the end of another great day.

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