Day 11 – 16/12/13 - Wilsons Promontory

Yeah! We don’t have to get in the truck and drive anywhere!!! Most of you will be thinking that was what the kids were saying, but believe me after 10 straight days of driving, with the previous two being pretty bloody intense I think I was the happiest out of everybody!

The day started as slowly as anybody could hope with a big sleep in by everybody, with Sam staying in until after 8 a new world record! We muddled around camp for a while finding out about the walks available as well as giving the boys a chance to get on their bikes and out from under our feet. After some morning tea we got back in the truck and drove the 5ks to Whisky Bay and started our walk back to the camp ground at Tidal River. I know I have said this already in this blog a few times but here I go again...The scenery was awesome! Whisky Beach is only a couple of hundred meters long with the southern end having a pile of massive boulders stacked, wedged and jammed on top of each other. This created a wonderful feature to look at but also a great place to climb in and around of. We crawled through gaps and caves and rock hopped for ages having a great time. We left the beach and headed over a small headland to Picnic Bay which was equally as beautiful. We were tempted to have our lunch there but the allure of Squeaky Beach and ticking another one off our Are We There Yet? Bucket list was too great. I imagined it to be just a quick walk over another headland but about ½ hour later we arrived and squeaked our way across the super white silica sand, that really does squeak!

I have been to the Great Barrier Reef a few times and the colour of the water there seemed like the Brisbane River compared to the glass like nature of the waters of Bass Straight. Looking down from the walking paths into the ocean was incredible; it looked like a resort swimming pool with the bottom clearly visible.

At this stage I should mention that after our Kosciusko experience I had decided to over dress rather than under dress. It was quite cold in the morning so had long pair of duds, shirt and jumper on. By the time we got to Squeaky Beach it must have been 28 degrees and I was regretting my wisdom as the boys stripped to their boardies and had a refreshing dip. By the time we got to the other end of the beach I had had enough and rolled my duds up to my jeans – man I was an impressive site!

Another half hour of sweating and we were back at camp, except I now had to walk back to Whisky Bay to get the truck. After I had changed duds I set of at a brisk rate (Mum skip to the next paragraph please) but I hadn’t even got to the gate of the van park and I had already hitched a ride, but it only took me about a kilometre before I had to hit the pavement again. After another 15 minutes of walking about 40 cars had driven past me in the opposite direction but only one in my direction so I thought I was out of luck until a lovely local couple, who had just gone to The Prom for a burger lunch, gave me a lift!

While we hadn't got to the actual "Southern Most Point" it was decided that it was close enough and the rest of the afternoon was spent lazing around the camp ground and an early night for all!


  1. Love the pics! You're obviously all enjoying yourselves! Take care ... and Merry Christmas! :-)
