Day 6 12/12/13 – Thredbo NSW – (Just near) Towong VIC

While it was pretty cold when we got up by 8:30 am it felt simply balmy as we headed off to the chair lift dressed in shorts and t-shirt and a jumper we would take of when we warmed up as we walked up to the summit of Mt Kosciusko – while I knew the 12k round trip was going to be a challenge I really had no idea!

 The Sign I probably should have paid more attention to!
 I think we must have been on the chairlift for 2 minutes as we headed over the top of the first ridge that reality set in.
Just before going over the first ridge - all smiles here!
I am not sure whether it was the cold that hit me or the sound of the two boys crying that made me realise this was not going to be fun! The temperature was about 3 degrees but the 45 – 60km/h wind dropped it down to around – 3 degrees.  Maybe we should have taken the tracksuit pants that I suggested. To make matters worse Sam’s favourite hat, that he got from Santa Claus in the crowd on the night of  their 2011 finals win, blew off causing an outpouring of grief that is usually reserved for African funerals. By the time we got to the top of the chairlift I knew it was going to big fight but I was going to make sure we at least got to the Kosciusko lookout – hey it is only 2.5kms away.
We made it at least 200m before Jacko refused to go on at least 300m before Sambo broke down and I had to piggy back him and by 500m De’s knees were hurting from the cold so much that she wanted to turn back. With just a bit of positive encouragement and cajoling we continued on. Neither of the boys had ever seen snow, let alone played in it, so that was the big carrot. After about 1.5 kms we could see where the path lead through a big area of remaining snow just before the lookout – and through the tears they headed onwards. Once they reached the snow it was great and I think they may have learnt something about perseverance and never giving up.

Note the snow ball - just missed!
Snow ball fights ensued with De being the key target and a great time was had by all until I said we needed to keep climbing to reach the lookout – by this stage the idea of getting to the summit was well and truely gooone! It was only about 500m  to the lookout and the level of inspiration at viewing our nations tallest summit was less than optimal. As De and the two boys huddled in behind a rock out of the wind I tried to soak in the opulence of the stumpy looking hill in front of me. A couple of quick photos and we beat a hasty retreat down the mountain.

We did manage to stop on the way down so I could educate the boys in the fine art of penguin sliding and instigate another snow ball fight.

As we got close to the top of the chair lift I noticed the front of Sam’s jumper was soaking wet, from the snow ball he had stowed in his pocket to throw at us later on in the day! We saw Sam’s hat as we went down on the chair lift, causing another outpouring of grief!

We hit the road and headed down the beginning of the Murray Valley Highway. We managed to see 5 lots of Brumby dung on the road, but no Brumbies – Bugger! The road was magnificent and we stopped at one of the secluded camp areas for lunch with the boys doing the dishes in the crystal clear creek.

 About 75 kms were covered in 3 hours as Izzy worked hard in low 4wd to keep the 5 ton rig from gaining to much speed. We pulled up at a free camp area on the NSW side of the Murray River just outside of Towong. The boys and I had a swim and collected wood for our first camp fire. The frostbite of the day’s adventures had been forgotten as we warmed ourselves around the fire with the sounds of the Murray rushing over rounded stones as our sound track. Another great day!


  1. Wow mate that sounds freaking awesome. Fantastic stuff.

  2. KMSLOL - know exactly what you're talking about! Poor choice in clothing! Surely you wont do that again .... it's no fun being COLD!!!!!
