Day 152 7/5/14 –Silent Grove, Bell Gorge – Barnett River WA

Yeah!!! Five months on the road.....but only two months to go....and tomorrow will be ONE month and 29 days.....noooooo!

This is weird as I am writing about Since we have reached Broome small flying things have invaded out van every night. We have got better at minimising them by leaving the lights off as much as possible, but regularly there are enough in the van by the time we go to bed that you can’t use the computer (to write the blog) or phone as they flock to it, moths to a light. But tonight we didn’t make it to camp until after dark and there isn’t a flying bug inside the i have taken the opportunity to go hard and catch up on the last 10 days!

We didn’t really have a plan other than to get away reasonably early so we packed up and messed around a bit before saying goodbye to out BFF and heading off. I had some work that I needed to get done on the internet and the Imintji store is the only place on the whole 660km Gibb River Road where you can get WIFI. There is NO phone reception the whole way so paying $8/100Mb seemed pretty reasonable. We fuelled up and I parked the rig while De and the boys went to pay and check out the store (that’s pretty exciting stuff around here). I then came up with an idea. Avid readers will have heard me blog (do you hear a blog??) about the boys Co-op, where they sell a few things to get some pocket money. Well their enthusiasm has diminished significantly and I want to lighten the van as much as possible, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to do a sales call....yeah we cleared out all of the remaining torches and a box of crocheads to boot!!

We set ourselves up in the grassy garden beside the store and while I emailed my work of, painfully slowly, De checked he facebook and the boys played some games. Pretty soon the BFF rolled in and we spent the next two hours there chatting. While we were there a lovely middle aged lady, Susan, who lives in Theda (??) which is up near the Mitchell Plateau also stopped for morning tea. She told us all about the road and how wonderful it was up now we are not only doing the Gibb River Road, we are also going up to Mitchell Falls...bloody awesome!

We rolled down the road a bit further and took a side road into Adcock Gorge. It was reasonably rough on the way it but we had to stop at the river crossing and walk the rest of the way as the trees were getting to close to Gator. I walked ahead and found a magnificent little gorge. As we were walking in another couple were leaving and we had the whole place to ourself. Bell Gorge was amazing but not having to share it with 50 other people made this just as awesome!

We trundled back up the road and De reminded me that I was supposed to send emails to the boys teachers at we pulled into the Mt Barnett Road house, the only other establishment for 360km and I managed to talk them into letting me into their office and sending it via the satellite connection...for a couple of bucks! Nice! It did however take about 1 hr to send the two 4 meg emails which put us behind schedule.

We reached the turn off to Barnett River camp just as dusk was approaching. It was only 5kms in so that shouldn’t be a problem. Ahhh...the road was really rough so we slowed to a crawl but we could see a camper set up not too far away. As we got closer we realised it was in the middle of the road. We drove around it and could see why it was sitting there, its chassis had cracked in half! 

I was in 4WD high but seeing that reminded me these things are breakable so I switched down to low and crawled the next very bumpy 3kms into camp. We set up in 2 minutes flat, had a quick dinner and just as we were about to throw the boys into bed we realised that Jack’s window, at the back of the van, wasn’t air tight.....leaving a lovely fine film of red dust across everything, especially his bed

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