Day 155 10/5/14 – Mitchell Falls Campground – Drysdale River Station WA

We knew what lay ahead. 200kms that will take about 3 ½ hours to drive, it isn’t the most exciting thing to wake up to! We packed up and hit the road with a stop along the way, in the muddy puddles, to try and film the fun. 

Once we got back to King Edward River we took the opportunity to visit two other Aboriginal art sites. If I was transfixed yesterday that I was memorised by these two sites. I am far from an arty farty person (sorry to those who are) but I was really amazed by the work. Not just the age of the works but there was something that was beyond words. 

On the way back across the King Edward River I had to cross it three times, the first to drop De and the video of, the second to go back and pick up Jack who had the camera and the third to be filmed by De....luckily all went well. The river had fallen by about 10cm since we first crossed it so it wasn’t quite as much fun!

I sped it up x8 to make it more interesting!

We pressed on and somewhere in the next 30 or 50 kms we crossed a Nissan Patrol heading in the other direction. A quick call on the UHF and we realised it was Logan and Larissa who we have camped with a couple of times. They were supposed to be further up the Plateau so we were really surprised to see them. We pulled off the side and seen it was already 10am (10:05 to be exact) we cracked a coldy and sat by the road and chatted for the next hour! It was a great break for the boys as they ran around with their spears practicing on a few empty tins.

We said our goodbyes again and hit the road finally getting back to Drysdale River for a late lunch. We had moved around a number of things when we packed up to go to Mitchell Falls so I/we took the opportunity to reorganise the storage space in the van and truck. It doesn’t sound very interesting but as you move from place to place you find that you don’t need some things any more. A great example is flippers and snorkels....we have used them a lot until now but my suspicions are that we won’t be needing them very much between here and Brisbane so I stuck them in the most inaccessible corner of the van...yeah!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day so the boys spent some time in the evening making a few bits and pieces while after dinner I went begging for eggs so we could make De’s favourite breakfast in the morning....luckily I was successful!

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