Day 165 20/5/14 – Bungle Bungles – Dunham River Rest Area WA

Today is one that will be pretty hard to beat! 

We were up early and had everything packed up in the van nice and early before we headed to the local airport. As part of our ‘are we there yet’ tour of Australia we had to not only visit the Bungle Bungles but we had to fly over it in a helicopter with no doors! Originally we were going to do it yesterday afternoon but we decided to delay it in the hope of the cloud cover clearing....and it was as gamble that paid off, there was not a cloud in the sky!

The boys were pretty excited, as were both De and I, about the chance of not only going for a flight in a helicopter but doing it over the Bungles! The staff were really good and gave us the chance to have a look at one of the copters before we flew with the boys sitting in the drivers seat pretending to be pilots. 

When it came to our turn we were marshalled out to the copter that had just returned and strapped in. I was in the front with De behind the pilot and the boys were strapped into the same seat behind me (I was really happy about that as we only had to pay for 1 person as together they weighed less than 77kgs – yeah) The pilot wrote a few numbers on a scrap of paper and then we were off. The next 18 minutes felt like 25 seconds as we went to the centre of the rock, flying over some of its central gorges and then back over the top of the bee hive domes doing a couple of S turns as he went. Jim, was a great host and provided an interesting commentary as we went. In order to capture the ‘moment’ I had my ‘go pro’ strapped to my head and madly clicked away with the camera while De had the video camera going.

Once it was over we had to peel De’s hands of the handle as her nails were embedded into the steel bar! While it wasn’t terrifying cruising a thousand feet in the air with nothing but a car seat belt to stop you plummeting to your death can be a bit scary!

We didn’t have much time to stop and reflect on our trip as we were on our second mission of the get to Echidna Gorge by 11:30! We flew back to the campground, hooked Gator on, roared to the information centre and unhooked and unburdened again I channelled Mika Hakinen as we drove the 30 kms to the gorge. My knee was still a bit gummy but I wasn’t going to let it slow me down as we arrived at the gorge and I rock hopped the 1km to the entrance. Why the hurry I hear you ask? Echidna Gorge is an amazing feature where you walk along a gap 1 or 2m wide into the rock. Each side of you are sheer walls 75, 100m or higher that literally go straight up! We walked deeper and deeper into this crevasse, taking a few shots as I went. I wasn’t 100% happy and I thought I had missed the opportunity when Jack pointed out that it looked pretty good looking the other way....and there it was!

At a certain point during the day the sun is in just the right position to flood the crevasse right to the bottom, which makes a pretty cool pic. I really wish I knew how to operate my camera better as, while I am pretty happy with the pic I took, know it would have been better if I had more knowledge! Happy that had captured my ‘shot’ explored further and further eventually pulling up some 3 – 400m into the rock! Somehow I had pictures of Indiana Jones and walls closing in on me shoot through my head as we meandered back down the path.

Happy with our mass of experiences before lunch we calmly drove the 30kms back to the information centre where we hooked up Gator and drove the 52kms back to the park gate. The big benefit was that the grader had been working and more than half of the creek crossings now resembled a slowly sloping U rather than V, knocking more than half an hour of our journey for the 52kms stretch!

The rest of the afternoon was spent driving...something we are pretty good at doing. We eventually pulled up at a rest area at it seemed like the hoard of gray nomads had caught up with us. We had heard that they all left on Mother’s day and it must have taken them a week to get here as there were at least 25 other vans crammed in. I whipped up a quick dinner and the boys hit the sack after a massive day. De and I sat in the darkness and once the %^*^$( across from us turned his generator off we enjoyed the silence looking up to the stars!

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