Day 56 - 31/1/14 – Adelaide -> Ulebury SA

With my list of things to do in Adeliade, the last city we will be in for about 2 months, finished around 12:30 last night I was feeling a touch sluggish when the boys woke me for a toilet run at 6am – another reason why I like staying in free camps – most of the time they can walk to the toilet on their own!

Straight after breakfast the boys were off to the office to cash in their Go Kart vouchers that they had won at bingo and we headed for the Cafe to have a cuppa tea on our vouchers, De kindly donating one of her vouchers to yours truly!

Once we had packed up we headed to Glenelg beach for a look around and then stocked up on groceries and then headed into town to find the AEC office to vote in the upcoming by-election. We had walked right past it in the middle of down town so now we had to go back, but this time with a van on the back! Despite my concerns we found a loading zone right out the front and we were in and out in a flash.
Another selfie!
Our next job was to immerse our self in a great South Australian tradition – a pie floater for lunch. Initially I thought these would be everywhere but it took some pretty keen investigative work to track them down – thanks google! We all ordered one each and I was looking forward to the boys left overs but was they were that good that everybody licked their bowls clean! We will be having these again!

We next headed to the RM Williams shop and museum which was quite interesting. I’m not sure what I thought his life story would be but I didn’t expect him to have come through so many hard times to get to where he is today. It was well worth the visit!

I had put a brand new UHF radio in the truck and while we were somewhere in between Jenolan Caves and Golburn it just broke off right at the base. I had tried to get it replaced through the retailer but was told it was a common fault, but no...bad luck you aren’t getting one on warranty! 5,000 kms later I took it back to the manufacturer and they with a bit of cajoling agreed to replace it with an old one. I happily took this one, but it didn’t bloody I took it back and got another bloke who, not realising it was an old one, replaced it with a brand new one that fit. Maybe I should feel guilty, maybe not!

It was a pretty warm afternoon so we headed for Semaphore Beach where the boys had a dip in what was amazingly warm water! Up until now the ocean has been like an ice bath but this was like a warm bath. My figuring is that because Adelaide is in a Gulf there is no ocean current, and as it is pretty shallow further up the gulf it warms up but doesn’t get swept away. A few young French fellas had filled their afternoon crafting a pretty cool couch that the boys joined them on!

We motored into the northern hills of Adelaide to stay at Ron’s place. Ron sells my gear for me in South Aus and we don’t get to catch up very often. We had a great night and had Chinese to celebrate Chinese New Year along with a number of beers, some great reds and some rumbos to finish it all off! 

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