Day 63 - 7/2/14 – Pondalowie Bay – Point Turton SA

2 Months on the Road! Yeah!

My legs were still a bit wobbly when I woke up after a big day on the water yesterday. As per usual we were in no great hurry to get moving and while the boys played with their new BFF we packed up and hit the road around 10. About 5km down the road we went up to the Cape Spence lighthouse lookout to show the boys where I had been fishing yesterday and it was great as you could see the boat picking up the pots I (errr...we) put out yesterday.

It was a nice relaxing drive through the wheat fields and through ‘Corny Point’ with our destination being Point Turton where Simon and Matt and their families live. We were catching up with them for dinner at the tavern tonight and it was also that time of the week where we stay at a caravan park to do the washing etc; It is a great little caravan park that is nestled on the side of a hill in what used to be the storage area for the jetty. The toilets are right up the front and must have one of the best views of the Spencer Gulf available! We all had a nana nap and the boys washed the truck in the afternoon before we all spruced up and headed for the tavern. 

We had a great night! It was nice to go out with people who are about our age and De really enjoyed having a bit of a girly chat with Nicky and Jo while the boys played with Thomas. The food tasted great and the owners of this place have got it figured out as to how to get people to come back again. The meals were HUGE! De had the Chicken Schnitty and it overlapped both ends of the plate and the mound of chips resembled Mt Kosciuszko! I had a seafood pasta dish and I couldn’t even help De with her left overs! We didn’t go home hungry and it tasted pretty good to boot!!

From Left to Right
Thomas (Simon's son) Matt the Deckie, Me, Sambo & Simon the Skipper
Note the Lobster (Crayfish) in the background
We had a few beers and chatted about all things fishing until late (well late for us and the fishermen who had to be up at 4am) and when stumps were called we rolled the 150m down the hill to the van and collapsed into bed, but at least I had gotten rid of my sea legs!

Tomorrow morning should be very interesting as the only shop in Pt Turton sells Witchety Grubs and we have been told they are great and are heading up there for morning tea tomorrow!

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