Day 60 - 4/2/14 – Port Julia – Pondalowie Bay SA

 Even with the shrubs hiding us from the wind the van rocked all night long and unbelievably by the morning we were reaching for the doona to keep us warm. 36 hours ago it had been 36oC at 6pm now it was struggling to make double figures, I haven’t quite worked that one out yet!

We were quick to be on the move and we moved from picturesque town to lovable seaside village. About every 20kms is a port town that were a hive of activity when the wheat and other crops were all carted on horse drawn carts in 3 bushel sacks onto ships bound for a foreign port. Today the road out of the peninsula is instead filled with B Double trucks speeding for Port Adelaide bound for a foreign port. I am not 100% sure if we have gotten smarter and more efficient or lazier and less effective!

The port towns were all very likable and I could easily imagine spending a summer holiday there but with a 30 – 40 knot ‘breeze’ blowing anything bar looking through the closed window was less than enjoyable.  I did manage to convince the boys to try the tidal pool at Stansbury and after Sam turned purple, in his wetsuit, after a couple of minutes we headed for the showers. Even though they were cold relativity is a beautiful thing and no complaints were heard! 

After lunch we decided no matter how beautiful these towns were if we couldn’t get out and appreciate them we might as well by pass them so we headed straight for our now final destination, Pondalowie Bay in Innes National Park which is right at the tip of the Yorke Peninsula.

As we drove the scenery changed from rolling paddocks to salt pans to sandy scrub all within a half an hour! Late in the afternoon the boys found some new friends that were the same age and were travelling for two years! They played for a while and then we went to explore a bit and were amazed at the incredible beauty of the bay and the surrounding beaches. The bay had about 10 lobster boats in it so I was excited that I would be able to get my drop net out to catch a lobster! We walked around the cliff lined beaches and picked one for tomorrow as the wind was supposed to be dropping off early tomorrow.

As soon as the boys went to bed we followed them, amazed that we were again under the doona when a couple of days ago we couldn’t sleep as it was to hot! 

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