Day 55 - 30/1/14 – Clarendon -> Adelaide SA

We were up and at em’ early so we could get into the van park in Adelaide nice and early! After checking into the Big 4 on the beach near Glenelg we got our jobs done while the boys had a swim and then headed into the city to have a look around.

We managed to find a park right outside the Adelaide Cricket ground, so that was our first port of call. I have always wanted to go to a game in Adelaide and sit on the hill under the old score board like the Gabba in years past. I was going to grow a mullet, don my tight stubbies, blue singlet, thongs and a get a pack of Winny Reds but.....I took a photo instead.

We also took some time looking through the Bradman collection at heaps of The Dons old bat, balls blazers and the like. It still confounds me that the difference between the best cricket player in history and the second best player is so huge. It was great to take the boys, and they really enjoyed it, although I doubt they completely understand the significance of what Bradman achieved in his life.

 We wondered over to the city and down Rundle Mall, which looks like a mall in any city in Australia. We were chasing a pie floater (a meat pie placed upside down in a bowl and then drowned in a thick green pea soup) for lunch to experience the real SA. We were heading to one place when I called ahead to check and found out they now do theirs in pumpkin. While it sounds delicious, it wasn’t authentic! We eventually gave up and suffered Maccas for lunch, our first ‘fast food’ lunch since Dec 8th!

The boys spotted a sports card shop and not having ever been in one before were pretty excited. Sam snaffled a few out of the bargain box, 10 cards for 50c, while Jack spent some of his heard earned dropping $33 on a complete set of Big Bash cards. While I thought it was a complete rip of I was glad that he was spending it on cricket cards and not on KISS cars like did when was his age.

We jumped on the free loop bus and were given a guided tour by a couple of 30 yr old drunks which actually proved to be quite insightful! We had an awesome time walking the aisles at the Central Market which is filled with an incredible range and variety of foods from every corner of the world and it was all priced really well. De and I both commented how awesome it would be to have something like this in Brisbane!
Yes they were full of nutella! I wish they made one full of vegemite this size!

About the only non food shop in the market was a Camera House and I managed to find a new (to  me at least) 55 – 250 zoom lens. We really struggled about getting it but figured we would get our money’s worth pretty quickly on this trip! We looked at all kinds of tram and bus combination to get to St Peter’s church, which is just on the other side of the Adelaide oval, but in the end we walked back to Izzy and drove. I am glad we did this as it was bloody closed when we got there!

We rushed back to the van park as Bingo was starting at 5, and we couldn’t be late! It was the first time they had done it so there was only about 15 people there which was great as De won twice, and Jack and Sam both won and I errrr won nothing. Both of the boys got a Go Kart voucher which they were pretty excited about!

Winners are grinners!
Channel 9 were doing a live cross to the splash park, as it had been a pretty warm day and Sam decided to strut his stuff in the back ground, obviously her threw to the dam!

I spent the night fondling new lense and wishing Greg Berry was over the road as I rotated the tyres on Sam’s bike as he has already managed to skid the back one down to the cloth!

I had my first bad sleep in ages as I wrote out our list of things that we needed to do tomorrow, as it will be our last day in a city for a couple of months!

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