Day 61 - 5/2/14 – Pondalowie Bay SA

Pondalowie Bay - One of Australia's Prettiest beaches!

As I lay half asleep in bed Jacko jumped on me with a smile from ear to ear screaming “Yeah its not windy”. While there was still about a 20 knot breeze blowing it was a lot less than the previous two days and I was confident by the afternoon it would be perfect.

While we got our stuff organised the boys went over to visit their new BFF Bradyn and Ryan. Jack came back in a couple of minutes and burst into the van saying “Thank you Mum and Dad, Thank you Mum and Dad”. Having done nothing more or less than the usual we enquired as to what the source of this outpouring gratitude was. He had just been told that Bradyn and Ryan couldn’t play all morning as they were doing their school work and he was pretty happy that we weren’t doing the full home school gig. We were pretty happy that he had been reminded about school and how good he has it as we are looking to start them on their lessons in the next couple of weeks!

Our private Beach!

We drove down to our own private beach and after about 10 trips we had almost everything we owned on the beach, well at least it felt that way. I was pretty excited about trying to get a lobster so I snorkelled out to the the edge of the bay and chucked it in. I was confident that there wouldn’t be any toothy critters around but at the same time I had just a lingering doubt!

The boys and I snorkelled around for a while but it was a bit cold for them so they retreated and played on the beach. I checked the net and it was empty but I still had hope! We then walked around to the next beach and while De and the boys collected some shells I went for another snorkel. 

While it wasn’t quite the barrier reef it was pretty cool. Unlike in the other bay this one had some sandy bottom between the rocks and there were a heap of fish and some good size ones at that! We went back and I, with a one last great hope, checked the net, bloody empty again, bugger!

 De kept the boys busy doing some school work - ordering from smallest to largest

After lunch and a snooze we headed down to the bay and launched Rufus. It was great to be out on the water again! There are about 10 lobster boats anchored in  the bay aned we asked them one for a bit of advice on where to fish. It took about 40 minutes but eventually Sambo bought in a 40cm King George Whiting! We dropped De back to get dinner ready and just when we were starting to think about heading back Jack managed to get a Tommy Rough – Happy Days.

We parked the boat and were discussing where we would leave it overnight when another truck came down to the beach. I wondered over and asked them if they were locals and if I could tie my boat to any of the mooring bouys overnight. We started chatting and they were lobster fisherman, and I broached the subject of taking passengers out for a day trip. “Sure no problems, be on the beach at 6am tomorrow and we’ll take you out”. I could of jumped up and clicked my heels together I was so excited! I have always wanted to go out on a trawler of some sort now I was going catching lobsters!

We headed back and the boys had a great evening playing with their BFF, we had a few visits from the local wildlife including a family of emus and a kangaroo that pretty much walked through our campsite. It wasn’t long before we were in bed after another hard day on the road, and I had to be up before 8am, which was going to be a struggle!

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