Day 72 - 16/2/14 – Taylors Landing SA

I can’t really explain why but today the camera stayed inside its case. I usually take about 20 or 30 photos a day and delete about half of them but today it was zip, nein, nada! I searched the camera, the go pro the computer and I can't find any.....So I guess today it is going to be left to my literary nous to paint the picture for you!

We were up reasonably early and while the weather wasn’t perfect it was a whole lot better than it had been for the previous two days. So we scoffed down some breakfast and headed for the boat ramp. Yeah! We are getting pretty good at getting Rufus down and the everything in her so we were ready to go. There was a GPS marker about 1 nautical mile down the beach. It didn’t look to be too far out so I thought that would be the starting point for the day’s excitement.

Our only challenge was that the ramp and beach that we were on was protected from the wind so as soon as we got 30 meters of the beach the waves, while they were far from big, were big enough for me to have a second thought. I knew we would be fine getting there but I have been in SA long enough to see how quickly the wind can blow up. It took every part of my better judgement as I really wanted to catch some decent fish, but within 2 minutes of being on the water any hope of a catching a bag full was goooone! As a consolation we decided to sit on the edge of the seaweed in a 'white hole' 20 meters of the beach and have a fish anyway. After an hour we dropped De back to shore and the boys kept fishing with me for another hour or so. Sam ended up being king got the day getting 4 fish with Jack and I only one a piece but none were anything to write home about. While we had caught a few I was pretty devastated that we were going to leave Lincoln without having a decent fish....oh well next time!

In the afternoon De went for a long walk with the boys tagging along on their bikes while I tidied up the back of the truck and organised the wiring on the auxiliary battery. This thing has been the bain of my existence for the past week. To make things easy I installed a switch that automatically switches between solar and battery. In Whyalla, at the start of the week, it was diagnosed that the switch was burnt out, the problem being that they are almost impossible to find. I ended up getting the manufacturer to send one directly to me, and I was picking it up tomorrow and  was looking forward to not have to undo and redo three plugs every time we drove somewhere!

I was really hopeful that the weather might change in the afternoon but was out of luck and ended up putting Rufus back on just before dinner. After having spent a few hours bobbing up and down we were all pretty tired and surrendered early to the sheets.

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