Day 66 - 10/2/14 – Whyalla -> Cowell SA

The auxiliary battery on Izzy had been playing up again, for the umpteenth time, so we headed to downtown Whyalla to an auto electrician to get them to have a look at it, dropping De off for a bit of me time while the boys and I did truck things. The figured out it was a relay that not working which was great. The only problem being is that in the search for one of these relays I am going to have to don my Indiana Jones outfit as even the manufacturer doesn’t stock them!

De managed to see the whole of downtown Whyalla in about 20 minutes so we picked her up and deposited her at the shopping centre for another bit of quite time while the boys and I headed for the jetty. We had got another couple of crab drop nets and were keen to try out squidding with our new jags. With my first, well directed, cast hooked up a massive writhing abandoned crab net. The hook on the jag had caught the rope and it even came with two crabs, that unfortunately were undersize! Having a very basic idea of squidding led us to the expected result of no squid but we did manage to get 5 blue swimmers in the 45 minutes we were there.

We grabbed De, who after covering the whole shopping centre in 25 minutes had gone to the pub to play the pokies, and headed south. All along the East coast of the Eyre Peninsula there are small towns of 800 – 1500 people. We dropped into most of them as we trundled along eventually stopping in Cowell. We parked in town as the free camp, on the outskirts of town, is just a big gravel patch with a couple of bins as facilities. Buoyed by our crabbing success and with the knowledge that Cowell is one of the hottest crabbing destinations in the state we hit the jetty with massive expectations. 40 minutes later we had lost all of our bait and were in agreeance there were a hell of a lot of crabs out there. The only problem was that every time you pulled your net in they all fell through the bottom of it as they were so tiny!

We had dinner in the park while the boys tried to make a film that would win funniest home videos. This consisted of Sam swinging as high as he could and then jumping of the swing at the top of the arc and falling to earth with a thump. After about the fifth attempt, each one getting progresivley higher, I called them in!

We moved to our gravel patch and as the mozzies swarmed in we headed inside for a restful sleep.

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