Day 71 - 15/2/14 – Taylors Landing SA

I was positive that the rain would have cleared this morning but was disappointed to hear the tink of rain as I woke. The boys were up around 7:30 and made their own breakfast and disappeared into the bushes to finish off their secret hideouts that they had started yesterday. I put my head back on the pillow and read for a while and it was after 9:30 before I climbed out of bed, and only then because the boys had invited us for ‘Mournos’ in their hideout.

After the boys had had a bit of fun with the video on their bikes we decided that the wind and drizzle was going to keep us of the water again today so we would head to the 4wd tracks along Seaford Bay that is on the ocean side of the peninsula. We spent the first 30 minutes or so driving along some basic 4wd tracks through typical bush scrub which turned into some pretty cool dunes at Cape Tournefort. Back on similar tracks we went to Wanna Lookout, which of course was the basis of about 45 jokes, all as funny as each other! "Do you Wanna go to the Lookout" Bahahahah!

We decided that this one must be the 13th apostle that got a little lost!

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After lunch we headed for the Sleaford – Wanna Dunes that I had heard was pretty spectacular. As soon as we drove over the first hill we were amazed at the size and expanse of the dunes, they seemed to go for ever. After letting the tires down to 20 PSI we rolled our way through what I imagined the Sahara Desert would look like, except on one side was a raging ocean. 

Thankfully there were numbered red marker poles to lead our way across the dunes and eventually we found a dune that looked perfect for the boys to ride. They had a great time and I was pretty close to climbing up and having a go myself. 

The peak of sandhill had a plume of sand blowing off it and it reminded me of the images you see of the snow blowing of the peak of Himalayan mountain peaks!

After about 5 kms of sand the path changed to a very very very rough rocky track that has been chiselled out of the limestone rock base. The landscape and views were spectacular but the bone jarring nature of the road slightly detracted from the experience! The boys enjoyed counting down the marker poles and cackled in delight as we passed through some of the crossings, especially where we were driving at some pretty acute angles!
No trick photography here!!

At the end of the track we pumped up our tyres and had a quick look down Whalers Way, that was unfortunately locked up and then headed back to camp. 

The sun did manage to show its head for a short time in the afternoon but not for long enough for anything spectacular to happen! The rocking back and forth in Izzy had drained us all and it wasn’t long before we were all in bed dreaming about clear weather tomorrow.

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