Day 59 - 3/2/14 – Port Parham – Port Julia SA

A friendly looking fella we found by the side of the road
Sometime during the night somebody had turned the heater off and turned the fan on full blast again. By the morning we were reaching for the covers as a 30kt south easterly blew up of the southern ocean. Our final destination wasn’t fixed it was just ‘somewhere along the eastern side of the Yorke Peninsula’. So we headed off and rounded the tip of the gulf and all of a sudden I the truck hit a  brick wall. We were now driving directly into this incredible head wind that made it almost impossible to get over 90km/hr. As I saw the dollar coins falling out of my exhaust pipe we chugged along visiting all of the small towns that used to be ports to ship the wheat, wool and copped out of. It is amazing to see these massive fields of harvested wheat running right to the edge of the sea. It is also where most of the barley for Australia’s beer is produced so I paid silent homage to each farm we passed.

In Ardrossan we visited the heritage museum to have a look at the stump jump plough that revolutionised agriculture in Australia. While it wasn’t riveting the boys did find some other interesting things like coal heated irons and stone wind rowers that maybe helped them to realise how bloody easy they have it!

While De made lunch we threw the drop net of the jetty and retrieved it after we had filled our bellies. While we had 2 crabs none were keepers but there were a few others that had half a bucket full showing the amazing numbers that inhabit the gulf. 

We pressed on into the wind and eventually pulled into a recreation camp in Port Julia for the night. It had some big shrubs around it that would work as a bit of a wind break for the night!

The boys rode their bikes around and we tried the drop pot of the short jetty in town with no luck, it was a massive effort to walk in the wind and anything more than 5 minutes in the wind made you feel uncomfortable. 

It would be a perfect place to swim but not today! We had dinner and retreated inside early for a good nights sleep. The wind was supposed to be the same tomorrow, ye ha!

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