Day 167 22/5/14 – Sullivans Creek Camp Ground (Gregory Nat’l Park) – Katherine WA

Despite going to bed on WA time we woke up on NT time, losing 1 ½ hours sleep in the process. We had secretly changed the clocks over while the boys were asleep as a bit of a science experiment to see how they went. We rolled out pretty early and headed for Katherine and just after morning tea we rolled into town. One of the first things we saw was a traffic light, the first we had seen for around 2,500 kms.....and amazingly enough it was green!!!!

Having been on the Gibb River Road and other isolated places for the past 3 weeks we weren’t really used to crowds, even Kununarra was sleepy, until we tried to get ‘near’ the information centre in Katherine. Within a 500m radius there must have been 100 caravans and motor home all trying to find a place to park. Katherine is the intersection where everybody travelling from QLD, SA and WA...pretty much anywhere in Australia...who is going to Darwin, or vice versa, has to go through. Truthfully I was a little disconcerted and felt like turning the van around and heading back to the Kimberleys!

The information centre should have been called Kwik Copy as you had to line up and pay 30c for every information sheet that you wanted.....really!!! We beat a hasty retreat to the Boab Tree caravan park and set up for lunch.

Well fed we hit the local hot springs and the boys fell in love with it. From jumping of the little water falls to sliding over them and having tunnel ball races, with each of us swimming between each others legs, we had a great time. 

Slightly wrinkled we headed back to camp. De headed to the shops, the boys terrorised all of the gray nomads riding around the park while I spent the remainder of the afternoon desperately trying to catch up on the are reading..

Our original intention was to head up to Darwin via the Daley River and Litchfield National Park but as there was a huge barra comp on at the Daley we switched to the western side of the Stuart and tomorrow are heading to Kakadu!

As a side note for travellers...we have a webber which we use A LOT but have struggled to find a baking style dish to use in it. We have had 1 pyrex dish explode on us and tonight we made it two...despite the instructions saying it was designed to go to 300oC! ;-)

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