Day 202 – 26/6/14 – Richmond QLD

De’s Birthday – Hip Hip Hooooray!

I was again woken at some silly hour shivering and shaking, but without the assistance of yesterdays rooster, so the heater was cranked up. The boys were told 7am at the absolute earliest but around 6:30 they were down on Jack’s bunk planning something, so I went to investigate finding same tearing pages into confetti to shower De in. I quickly put a stop to that and left them to whatever their other plans were. At 7 on the dot they were up trying to plug Jack’s Ipod into the vans stereo system and even with my assistance we couldn’t get it to work. They had found a Happy Birthday song on You tube, complete with karoke style words, and played it for De on the Ipod.

Next was the dispensing of presents. While we walked around Lawn Hill national park a few weeks ago we had come up with a list of goodies. Usually you get ‘things’ but instead De got home made vouchers as not only was it almost impossible to find a pair of running shoes in Burketown, Normanton, Karumba, Cloncurry or Julia Creek but I didn’t like the chance of us returning them if they were the wrong size or colour! Part of the plan was also for De to have a pedicure in the afternoon, as a surprise, but the only problem was there isn’t even a hair dresser in Richmond let a lone a beauty salon! I did however, after half a dozen shops coving a thousand kilometres eventually find a new set of winter PJs that we could give to her today, and they were even gift wrapped which is a novelty in our household!

What every mother wants for her be dog piled!
The boys and I made French Toast with bacon and maple syrup sprinkled with icing sugar for the birthday girl and then headed for Kronosaurus Korner (KK). KK is an amazing ‘dinosaur’ centre that the locals have set up and run. In the late 1970’s they discovered an almost complete Kronosaurus on one of the local properties. A boffin from Havard Uni in the USA came over, dug him up and took him back with him where he still is today. Fast forward thirty years and a local grazier was out mustering cattle and he noticed a funny looking rock/thing sticking out from the side of a creek bank, he kicked it but it didn’t budge so he dug around it pulling a bit out. Even at his first glance he could tell it was something a bit unique so he sent it off to the QLD museum for review. He had sent them a nose and a week later he had a pile of boffins crawling over the creek bed digging up the rest of the most complete Kronosaurus fossil ever discovered! 

Amazingly enough a week later he also managed to find one of the best examples of a Minmisaur ever found, and it took the paelentologist only a day to extract the whole fossil!!

We spent a good three hours looking at the exhibits in the centre enjoying every word of the self guided audio tour. Since these finds many locals have learnt a lot about paleontology and many of them have found significant fossils in their day to day life on their properties.

It was lunch time so we sent De on her way while we went to the bakery to get lunch. When we were in SA we had pie floaters and De loved them so I went about recreating them. I had looked up a few recipes on the internet for the mushy peas, with most of them coming from split peas that had been soaked overnight, which was going to pretty hard to do and keep a secret. When I dropped into the bakery yesterday to order 4 pies I asked them about how they do their mushy peas and after finding out what I was up to Deb, the super nice lady, agreed to do up a big batch of mushy peas for me!!! So we grabbed our supplies and after heating up the peas and constructing the floaters we presented them to the very surprised birthday girl. They weren't nearly as good as the SA ones but I am sure with a few more practice runs they will get better!

After a little snooze the boys and I put the lamb shanks on the webber, grabbed our paleontology equipment and headed the to the ‘dig site’ 12 kilometres north of town leaving De to have some quite time. KK had supplied us with a sheet which would help us identify the fossils when we found them, the only problem was it didn’t tell us how to find them. So there we were standing in the middle of an old disused quarry hoping to find a few 100 million year old things. My hope was that we would find someone there who knew what they were doing, but we were all alone. Plan B was to find where other people had been digging and look there. For 20 minutes we wondered around in circles in the scrub and having found no evidence of any other digs I was starting to wonder if somebody was having a lend of me. We got the shovel out and made a couple 5cm deep holes and surprisingly enough we didn’t find anything! We wondered on and eventually found an area where others had been so we started digging looking at the rocks as we dug them up.   It was pretty frustrating to say the least as the boys were really keen to find a fossil but I nothing to help them. Eventually Jack managed to find a rock that had something that resembled fossils! YEAH!! I wasn’t positive but was pretty sure we were close enough to satisfy them!

We dug for a while and decided it might be worth heading to the other dig site to see if anybody was there. When we arrived there was 5 or 6 cars with a group of people crowded around a real palaeontologist, who we had seen a KK in the morning. I quickly realised that all the people were on a paid dig so we kept our distance to see what they were doing and hopefully copy them. Gary, the palaeontologist then invited the boys over to break apart some of the ‘fish mash’ he was digging up. To find the fossils he was using a ‘wrecking bar’ to chisel up a layer of rock and then turning it over and 9/10 times there was a fossil of some kind exposed. From fish scales, jaws and teeth to dinosaur poo and the cartilage part of dinosaur squid. It was pretty cool! Often layers of the rocks were quite soft, the fish mash, and could be broken up in your fingers so Gary would hand us a chunk and we would crumble it up to see what we could find, and find we did! It is pretty cool to be able to find the tooth of a shark that fell out 100 million years ago!

Our awesome haul for the day!

Happy with our haul we headed back to camp to show De. We had the shanks that had been slow cooking for 4 hours with some creamy mash and a couple of nice wines for dinner followed up with a birthday cake. Sam had wanted to put 42 candles on the cake but I managed to sway him by getting a fancy musical candle that played happy birthday. When De was cutting the cake Sambo pushed De’s hand down ensuring it hit the plate so she had to give me a kiss! Thanks Sambo!!!

It was toooo cold to sit outside so when we put the boys to bed we lay on the bed reading and sipping our wines to finish off what had been a great day!

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