Day 174 29/5/14 - Dunc & Lizzie’s Resort Durack WA

The simple things in life are often the best and this morning we have it all! We rolled out of bed around 8 and after having breakfast inside the house we turned on the television and without having to tune it, or anything worked!! We chilled out watching a bit of sunrise and then left the boys to watch a few hours of kids TV while we lazed about doing very very little.

After lunch we headed into Darwin to play tourist but before that we made a stop at JayCar so the boys could buy themselves a set of hand held UHF radios. Why? No idea....I just run with it. We drove around East Point Reserve and then headed to the NT Museum and Art Gallery which was pretty cool. First stop was a kids interactive room with our favourite being a poster that had a list of all different colours that were in different colours. Instead of reading the word you had to say what colour the word was. I surprised how hard it was. There was a great Aboriginal Art gallery as well as a gallery with heaps of native animals which the boys enjoyed. The best part was the cyclone Tracy exhibit especially the sound room which replicated what it would be like in the cyclone, based on that I’ll be pretty happy to miss out on the live experience.

We headed down town to the information centre, which was as usful as not going there and then headed to the Telstra shop to get a replacement for our Wifi which we haven’t been able to find since the Kunnunarra rodeo. I was told on the phone by Abdul that I would be able to get a replacement for $50 and surprise surprise it wasn’t even close....they wanted $220! Slightly pissed we retreated to the truck before one of Darwin’s extremely efficient parking cops could give us a ticket! I managed to get Abdul from Telstra to call me back and he was very sorry that he had misunderstood me and that I would have to pay $150 to get a prepaid one that could then be linked to my contract...OK...I’ll look after that on Saturday....stay tuned for more on the Telstra saga.

Next stop was the fish feeding and were shocked, to say the least, that it was going to cost $43 for our family to feed some fish so we jumped back in Izzy and headed to Mindil Beach markets. The boys have been dying to get a whip and they knew, through the kids camping network, that Mick’s Whips is at the after a quick lesson from Mick himself they went halves in a whip...great just a bit more ‘stuff’ to fill the van with. 

We wondered around the markets looking at the bits and pieces. To the markets credit I felt that there was a fair amount of different stuff there instead of the same stuff different town scenario. The biggest attraction about the markets is the food! And there was heaps and heaps of it all at reasonable prices. As part of our “Are we there yet” tour we had satay prawns and a mango smoothy and while we went to look at the sunset on the beach it was a touch overcrowded so we retreated back to the grassy park.

We munched on our tucker as we watched a fire show, which I am usually pretty ambivalent about but this guy was pretty cool and entertaining, to the point where we even put some money in his hat. To finish the market off we headed back to Mick’s whips to watch his show. I could only say it was cute. Here is Mick, a big burley Aussie bloke, cracking his whips like no tomorrow...all the while singing along with a backing sound track to some of his own songs about not giving up when you are learing to crack a whip. But the best one was when he turned on the strobe light and belted out a rendition of “Whip it”...only in Darwin!

We headed back to the resort where Dunc was continuing to work on his bike in preparation for Saturdays MX race. We sat around having a few drinks eventually retreating to the back patio for yet a few more before retreating to a deep slumber as the next day appeared on my watch.

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