Day 195 – 19/6/14 – Burketown – Leichardt River QLD

Around 9am, while we still lay in bed, we decided to be decadent and turn the TV on to watch some of the morning TV shows and news. It is the first time we have had the TV set up in the van, and working, since Geraldton in WA more than 2 months ago....and I can’t say we have missed much!

We were a little bit late to leave and then made another donation for some ridiculously over priced goods at the store. However we also bought a loaf of bread from the now world famous pork chop butcher and rolled out of town, covering a massive 70kms on bitumen before pulling up at the Leichardt River Crossing.

For those unfamiliar with the methodology of free camping, the gray nomads usually are gone by 8 or 9am driving for a few hours, having morning tea and then another hour or so before finding a spot to set up for lunch, AND the night, resulting in them always getting the prime sites. Our modus operandi is slightly different is we have a little sleep in and usually struggle to be moving by morning tea, stop somewhere for a late lunch and start to look for somewhere around 4, by which stage all the 'good' free sites are gone. I say 'good' as any 'fee' site is 'good'! However despite getting a late start we decided that was far enough, this looked like a nice spot, so we got (one) of the primes sites; there were already three other vans set up. We had lunch, had a nana nap, did a bit of school work and then the boys went off on an adventure while I attempted to catch up on my blogs! I gave grown to take pity on any cattle, or any living beings, that we camp near now as the boys are of on foot or on their bikes rounding them up with the whip cracking all the way.

In the afternoon we half heartedly threw a few lures in the puddle in front of our van, the boys went on an adventure on a long distance adventure on their bikes, as well as getting the fire going. It was a magical afternoon with the eastern sky painting a picture reflected in the still waters of the Leichardt infront of our camp...maybe the oldies have got this figured out! It had been a late night last night so it wasn’t long before we all turned in.

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