Day 205 – 29/6/14 – Prairie – Winton QLD

Dusty, very very dusty.....and then there was the landscape around us which compared to the way I felt looked like a lush green field!

We dragged ourselves out of bed at 9 somethingish and cooked up a nice greasy breakfast in the hope of feeling a touch better. The boys scoffed their tucker and headed for the pub! A few minutes later I saw them happily playing in the tree house with the girls Bluey had been alluding to in yesterdays post!

We packed up ever so slowly, in what felt like sub zero temperatures, and by 10:30ish we were ready to go. The only thing left to do was to settle the bill. In his wisdom Tom, the publican, had offered us the opportunity to run a tab. I tried to finalise it before we left on Friday night and last night I wasn’t fit to do most things so he got the calculator out and went to work. While I won’t go into details I am pretty sure between Bluey and us we just put at least one of his daughters through Uni!

We said goodbye to Bluey and were ready to go when Tom arrived in his car and offered to take the boys over to their horse paddock to see the horse. No problem. 10 minutes later the boys arrived, both on the same horse, bareback..well kind of, beign led by the girls. It made for a pretty cute photo.  After a few laps of the park we were finally on the road, sad to leave such a great place but my liver and wallet were jumping for joy!

We rolled through to Hughenden and then turned south arriving in Winton mid afternoon. We stopped at the singing fence where the “Perrier Family” showed their finesse as a musical outfit that would surely rival any kindergarten concert. What is a singing fence I hear you ask? While I am still not 100% sure it appears to be an attempt to build an extremely oversized guitar using a fence as strings and the roof or a small shed as the wooden part of the guitar....the drum kits was much more fun!

We then rolled into town to see the “Matilda  Centre” which is a museum of sorts, a tribute to the poem ‘Waltzing Matilda’ and its writer. I know I have mentioned prices a couple of times recently but I though this one was over the top, expecially after my wallet had just been drained in Prairie. I am not sure how they determined their pricing but I thought $52 for a family for something that will take you 1 ½ hrs was a touch steep! I think my view was justified as two other mobs walked out once they learnt the price while we were there.

All of the public bins in the towns on the Dinosaur trail have these cool covers 

Instead we wondered the streets looking at some of the street art around finishing at the North Gregory Hotel where it is believed Waltzing Matilda was performed in front of an audience for the first time. 

The original pub was burnt down but we were satisfied with the "This is the spot" sign
Just behind the pub is the hose of a junk collector who has turned his piles of other people’s garbage into a fence come piece of art. The fence was filled with almost everything you can imagine from whole motorbikes to porcelain plates and what was more amazing to see was the number of people who were there looking at it!
Arno's Wall
Maybe an idea for all of Gerry's junk McEwan streeters?

We headed south of town to the free camp area where we set up and had a quite afternoon watching a bit of footy and sitting around the camp fire in the cool night air. The evenings are now to cool to sit outside and once the boys have been put to bed we lie on the bed reading and doing the blog! It wasn’t long before the eyelids were feeling veeery heavy and an early night was had by all!

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