4/1/14 – Day 29 – Stevenson Falls -> Apollo Bay

Whilst we were in the bottom of a pretty deep valley the wind still howled all night with the occasional tap tap tap of rain on the tin roof of the caravan. We were pretty slow out of bed again, but I am going to have to adjust my compass as now 8am is becoming the norm! A quick pack up and we were on the road to Apollo Bay. We were going to take another road across to Beechs Forest but it didn’t allow caravans – they need to find a way to indicate that on road maps so we can plan for these things!

While we were doing a quick load of washing at the Laundromat Travis, who I went to school with many years ago, called. He was on lunch break, so he came around to see us and escorted us back to his place and got us set up before heading back to work. He had just arrived back from Brisbane at 2am that morning so he was pretty shagged but was still super accommodating to us.

That morning I had received a text from my Mum wishing us a happy wedding anniversary, which I duly wished to my wife. Unbelievably she had not remembered this was the anniversary of the happiest day of her life, the day where all her dreams had finally come true, but errr...neither had I! While it isn't the biggest day on the calendar for us we usually try to go out for dinner or something to celebrate. Whether it was the lack of the calendar on the kitchen wall to remind us, our inability to remember what day it is let-a-lone the date or the absence of our wedding stubby coolers that usually remind me when it is, we both totally forgot. Never the less we decided we should celebrate so we headed of to the Apollo Bay Pub for a nice meal with the boys.

Sam managed to finish his whole Paella which was a huge effort!

After lunch we headed back to Trav’s and set ourselves up in front of the TV to watch the last session of the cricket. It is amazing how good it feels to sit on a couch and watch a TV when you haven’t done it for a month, especially when that month has been virtually like quitting an addiction cold turkey! Pretty soon Trav was back and we spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening catching up on what each of us has been up to over the past 25 or so years!!! It was a great night and we really appreciated the hospitality of Trav opening up his house.

1 comment:

  1. Ah ... we've forgotten our date more than once! Makes it more memorable! ;-) Well done!
