Day 34 - 10/1/14 – Port Fairy -> Fitzroy River VIC

As discussed yesterday I had a date with an auto electrician set for 8:30am in Warrnambolle about a 35 minute drive and I had to get the groceries while I was there to avoid being mugged by the small town grocery store over summer holidays epidemic. Old mate (sorry I can’t remember his name) really knew his stuff and was incredibly enthusiastic about how good Redarc products are but after 40 minutes he still couldn’t figure why the hell the battery wasn’t getting enough charge. I felt kind of satisfied while still a little disillusioned that I had not been able to find the solution either! As an afterthought he yanked on the +ve wire that connects the charger to the battery (that’s the really important one) and it simply pulled out. The installers, who shall remain nameless suffice to say it wasn’t me and cost me a fair bit of coin, hadn’t been bothered to crimp the terminal onto the wire and had resulted in such a bad connection that a lot of the plastic covering on this wire had also melted! We rejoiced and old mate promptly fixed it and charged me $80 for the pleasure. I hate spending money but I was happy that this was fixed and I didn’t need to check it 3 or 4 times a day to see if it was working.

I headed back to Port Fairy and picked up the van then headed to the Aquatic Centre where De and the boys were utilising a free entry pass that we got with the van park stay. A quick swim, a bit of a wonder and drive around town, including an attempt to go to the light house that took us to a beach 5 kms away that had an even better view and we were off.

On the way we visited a site called the Crags. It wasn't overly spectacular but the water in the pond formed by the Crags looked very inviting!

When I imagine rivers I think of water flowing swiftly or at least slowly towards the ocean with the tides playing a part in the strong movement of water as you get closer to the mouth. Well think again in this part of the world. In terms of water flow I think the Murray, about 500kms north of here, is about the only river that  runs or is spring fed or something like that. As for tidal movements with only 50cm difference between high and low tide over a 12 hour period it ain’t exactly gushing out of the mouth!

We set up camp and had a bit of a wonder down to the mouth of the river and tried to relax and enjoy ourselves, like we did yesterday, when the kids weren’t around. Yep, you guessed it, it didn’t work. 

Now I have spent a bit of time in western Queensland and NSW and thought I had a pretty good idea what it was like to be annoyed by flies...they were pretty bad in the Vic higlands but this place takes the cake. They were bloody everywhere!!!

(This is my first attempt to upload a video - no idea if it will work or not!)

As the boys headed off to bed I headed to beach for a dusk session of beach fishing. Apparently this is the place to catch Gummy Sharks and the 15 or so people with their 30 or 40 rods at  mouth of the river made me believe it was true. 

3 hours later without a single bite for me or anybody else that I could see I decided to call it a night and crawled into bed just a little cold and tired. Jack was excited as we were putting Rufus, the boat, in tomorrow and were finally going to have a proper fish.

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