Day 38 - 14/1/14 – Pritchard’s Landing, Glenelg National Park VIC

The boys had decided that they were going fishing in the morning, without Mum or Dad, so we had everything ready the night before and at 6:30 they ever so quietly headed off while De and I had a wonderful sleep in. Around 8:30 they came back as they had run out of lines to use with one tangled, one dehooked in a snag and the last one had lost it hook in Jacko’s 28cm bream! Apparently Sam had caught another keeper but his brother had made him tighten his drag so as not to lose him....causing his line to break....and he lost him. I couldn’t help but think this bear a striking resemblance to when I lost a 135cm+ Barra while on a fishing trip with my brother JP!

The coolness of the night before quickly disappeared once the sun reappeared as we readied ourself for an absolute scorcher. The auxillary battery in the truck was struggling to keep the power up to the freezer so we decided to go for a drive to the next landing, about 15 minutes up the dirt track, to give it a bit of juice. Somehow between the truck and the water De managed to twist her ankle and hit the deck like a bag of spuds. This landing was different to Pritchard’s and very picturesque. The river was wider, maybe 40m in total, and on the far side limestone cliffs climbed about 10m straight from the water. De stayed in the water for a while but then retreated to the bank as her ankle was hurting too much. The only problem was the poor thing got bitten by a really nasty ant while she was lying on the grass!

We headed back to camp for lunch and a bit of quite time before heading back to the river as the afternoon really heated up. After sweating it out making dinner the day before De came up with the brilliant idea of having tapas for dinner! 
De desperately trying to catch a fish, any no avail! 

While the night before had really cooled down tonight was like sleeping in a sauna (except unlike in Canberra this time it was on). I regularly sleep on my stomach with one of my arms folded under the pillow – not tonight – as it felt like my arm was in an hot oven! Around 4am it did manage to cool of a little to the point where I was no longer sweating but it was a long night!

We loved the Glenelg but with more heat on the way we  decided we should head to the beach tomorrow.

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