Day 47 - 22/1/14 – 42 Mile Crossing, Coorong National Park SA

First things first. All of my avid readers will have no doubt already noticed that today is day 47 where as yesterday was day 45. Well 46 was never a really lucky number for me, unlike 56 that won me a massive cake at the Mt Carmel Fete in 1979, so I decided to skip it.....and the fact that there were two day 32s back at the beginning of the month. Special thanks to my sister-in-law Alison for picking that one up!

Now back to the action...I had been planning to have a sleep over with myself on the beachside of the Coorong but the 50k/h winds made me change my plans, so I instead set the alarm for 6am and headed over. It was pretty bloody cold and as I was driving along the beach looking for something that looked like a gutter I slipped out of one of the ruts that had formed from everybody driving in the same place and discovered why everybody drive in the same place.....wrrrr wrrr wrrr...Bugger I was bogged...on a 100km long beach...never mind it looks like a pretty good place to fish!

Well I should have stayed in bed! A MASSIVE pile of weed had moved into this part of the beach over night and every time I pulled my line in I had a basketball sized pile of weed attached to it. I tried everything to overcome it all to no avail! To keep myself entertained I let my tyres down to 20 PSI and drove it out pretty easily. Before you all start, yes I know that’s where they should have been in the first place, but I only had a small air compressor with me and I didn’t want to go gray waiting for my tires to inflate. And yes before the rest of you start yes I do sell heavy duty air compressors that would have been perfect for this application, but I only had one in stock when we left so I had to leave it as a sample...needless to say I have one on the way now.....but back to my day.

After helping one other guy out on the way back to camp...bloody landcruiser heh heh heh....I had a quick bite to eat and then a game of cricket that De & the boys were well into when I returned. We soon decided to head back over to the beach side for a bit of a look with De as she hasn’t seen it yet. This time we went south instead of north and after about 2kms the beach started to get a touch narrow so we quickly parked up. We put the lines out and I was somewhat happy to find there was no weed here, only somewhat as I wish I had spent my 4 hours here this morning as it may have been a touch more fruitful! To keep ourselves busy while we ‘fished’ the second innings of the cricket game ensued as well as a bit of shell collecting.

We headed back, had lunch, a good rest and sleep in the afternoon and then started to get things together for to roll out early tomorrow. One of the jobs was to reinflate the tires to 40PSI. Well the 1st tire was fine, I gave the compressor a bit of a break and then by the end of the 2nd tire the compressor was giving a bit of a break.....yep broken. So it managed to put 2 x 20PSI = 40 in so my initial calculation of only letting the tires down to 30 would have been just right 4 x 10PSI = 40..but..oh well! Thankfully Fred in the next caravan had one I could loan! I also managed to clean out some of the sand from the front of the truck. I only say some as that is all that is ever going to be possible!

After dinner the 4th innings of the cricket game ensued with even Frank and Maree from the van next door getting involved! With pretty hopeless internet coverage and no TV coverage (for the Fev v Murray game) the night was called to an early end.

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