Day 42 - 18/1/14 –Southend -> Beachport SA

I was thinking of turning up early to where the lobster boats go out from to see if I could hitch a ride as decky for the day, but after a bit of a late night I was in no hurry to get moving. You can drive from Southend to Beachport on the beach and was keen to give it a go but after consultation with the locals we decided against it - bugger! 

As we pulled up at the information centre in Beachport there was a small shed on the other side of the road where somebody was selling handmade pots. I wondered over to Pro Marine Supplies with the boys to try and glean some information about how we could go about catching some of these little fellas. Peter was a super nice old bloke, dressed in Redwing boots, jeans a wife beater and slicked back hair he was up for a chat. He give us the full breakdown on lobster potters and how and where to put them out. I think we were there for about half an hour and in the end he gave Jacko a free pair of wetsuit shoes. Nice
We filled up the water tank at the information centre (for free) and I was starting to think this town must be a sister city to Cate Blanchett in the SA friendly town competition! After lunch De and the boys wondered to the end of the jetty that was a staggering 772m long. Even more amazing is that when it was built in the 40s it was 1223m long!

 Meanwhile I got in touch with my primitive self and went on the hunt to find some lobster hunting equipment. To use a pot you need a $100 license so I went for the drop pot, or what I would call and inverted dilly, option. With all the gear and no idea we headed for our camp but stopped by The Pool of Siloam on the way. Just behind the rocky dunes is a big pond that resembles a farm dam with the difference being that it is 6 times saltier than the ocean. It was blowing a gale and pretty cold but we all took the plunge and had a bit of fun floating around with the greatest of ease.

Our camp was beside Lake George a one of three MASSIVE salt water lakes surrounding Beachport. There was a few dads and a herd of boys near the edge of the lake so the boys and went over to investigate what they were up to. They had all be coming to the lake since they were kids and were setting nets for mullet; but a different variety than what I use for crab bait and apparently much better tasting! We chatted for a while about fishing and I garnered a few more lobstering tips along with an invite over for a few brews later on. We went for a drive to have a look at 3 Mile Rocks, had a feed and then headed over to their camp. 

Around the campfire we chatted for ages and Whitey and Mardi bought out a massive lobster for all to share and then.....gave us TWO more to take with us!! What do you do when somebody just gives you around $250 worth of gear! Beachport has just changed its name to Black Caviarville in the SA friendliest town competition!

 I was pretty stoked to say the least. As the night wore on I donned a pair of their waders and walked in a water a foot deep for a couple of hundred meters to check the nets but my form held true with both nets being empty (they checked them later and got 30 fish). 
See those two specs in the middle of the picture...see below what they look like close up

After maybe one too many rums I walked back to the van, glad that I didn’t need a license to do so, and was fell into a comatose sleep!

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