Day 18 - 24/12/13 - Ballan -> Sunshine (Melbourne) Vic

One of the great things about truck stops and boat ramps is that they are generally as flat as a pancake so packing up camp consists of changing the fridge from gas to battery, putting away the solar panel for the Izzy’s auxillary battery, putting the step inside the van and inserting the key in the ignition. For all they lack in ambiance and modern facilities they make up for is ease!

We made our way to our pre-booked van park in Sunshine, but as check in wasn’t until 10am we found a shopping centres and pretended to be really stressed out for an hour racing from one place to another getting all kinds of goodies that we probably could have very easily survived without.

After a small challenge backing the van into what felt like a space half its size we sent the boys to the pool and we started to retrieve all of the goodies required for Christmas morning from all of the nooks and crannies that we had stored them in around the van. Do you know how hard it is to hide things in a caravan for nearly three weeks? Knowing it was going to be a very late night we all had a Nana nap in readiness.

I was pretty excited about the night’s activities as I am a sucker for Christmas Carols and while all of the other members of my family have objected to Mum playing Perry Como’s Christmas album every year I was quietly wishing they would all leave it on! We all jumped on board the 220 bus that was taking us to the Myer Music Bowl with the candles that we had made the day before at Sovereign Hill safely in tow. The gates opened at 4:30 and we arrived at 5:00 to find virtually no room left for a person to sit let-a-lone for us to spread our blanket out. After a few reccies we found a spot, in the second back row, that we were pretty happy with. Ok, only three hours until the show commences, this is going to be a ball! The boys were great and between playing Uno, doing toilet runs and having chicken sandwiches for diner the time flew.

When the ‘real show’ started at 8pm I was pretty excited and sitting on the hill looking down on the stage with the fading sun lighting up the Melbourne skyline on one side and the MCG and Rod Laver Arena on the other was a pretty special moment.

 There were some pretty good singers but I must admit my dislike for ‘talent’ shows like The Voice left me a touch out of the loop as to who all of the performers were. As the sky darkened everybody started to light their candles and the aura it created was pretty bloody cool! The boys loved it as this is pretty much the only time they have ever been allowed to play with anything with fire in their life.

About 2/3rds of the way through I took Sambo for a walk down the front just to see what it was like and there was a perfect spot that somebody had already vacated, so we baggsed it and moved camp to there. The atmosphere was even better that at the back and being surrounded by 10,000 people with candles was pretty special.

Looking back on the night I was in a bit of a juxtaposition as while I really enjoyed the night myself I was a bit disappointed that there weren’t more songs that the kids could be involved in and sing along with. No Rudolph, no jingle bells or Mummy Kissing Santa Claus, with silent night being about the closest thing that they knew the words to. It made me think that they may have enjoyed it more if they were involved, but maybe I am just assuming that!

The show wrapped up around 11pm, we bolted for the bus and got back to camp around 11:40. The boys hit the hay straight away and then we stated to wrap presents. It was just before 1am by the time I finally pulled the covers up and drifted off to sleep humming silent night to myself.

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