Day 115 – 31/3/14 – Monkey Mia WA

After yesterdays rushed start this morning was as little more laid back! De and I took it nice and slowly while the boys decided to build a cubby house on top of the truck. idea. 

As a side note to yesterdays observation about changing the towns name to Emu is a pic of some of the locals. They come a LOT closer than this but are quite camera shy.

After school we hit the water again hoping we could catch a good feed today! We headed to the same area as yesterday, mostly because we really had no idea where else to go.

Luckily we didn’t have to wait too long before my rod was bending over again. Another shark but this time he didn’t cut the line so we had an entertaining 5 minutes trying to extract the hook from this writhing, twisting ball of fury! While this was going on Sam landed a small bait fish that we sent back down as live bait. It hadn’t hit the bottom before Sam was in the fight of his life. He was looking at me as if to say ‘aren’t you going to take this’..not on your nelly! He had a great time and eventually started to drag it up and then reel on the way down. It was all pretty exciting and when another shark a bit bigger than the one I had just caught showed its head beside the boat I was momentarily diaspointed as to my delight it then  bent the hook and escaped!

The action didn’t stop as within about 1 minute I got a double hook up (1 keeper) followed by Sam and I quickly marked the spot on the GPS. 
A 'Pinky' AKA  - Squirey Snapper 
A 'Blacky';
We drifted for a while longer getting some more throw backs and then we decided to go back to the marker to see if it was good management of good luck. Jacko had been busted of by something a few minutes earlier so he was using my rod with my Dad’s old fibreglass Alvey reel. Almost as soon as we drifter over the mark Jack was on and was fighting tooth and nail. He was so excited and I was so nervous as he had only got one bait fish in two days and the line on Dads reel was 10yrs old and falling apart (the line that is as Alvey's don't fall apart - Right Greg and Rob) ...I was just hoping and preying he could bring it in. Finally after a few false starts and tangles with other lines, inside the boat, we managed to land a 53cm ‘Pinky’ and Jack was pretty much as happy as he could be and his father was very proud, as I am sure his Pa would have been using his reel. Thinking we had bagged out we headed back in (you need a masters to understand WA’s fishing bag limits) and Jack bounded up the beach keen to show his mum his catch!

Another lazy afternoon was spent around the pool reading while the boys played hide and seek using their matchbox cars! Another meal of fresh fish was enjoyed with my conclusion that the ‘Blacky’ was better tasting than the ‘Pinky’...controversial by WA standards I assure you!

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