Day 120 – 5/4/14 - Carnarvon – Quobba Point WA

After our last 2 nights in the tent a sleep in was the preferred option and while it wasn’t quite the 8am wake up we requested of the boys, it wasn’t too far off! We got busy and headed into town after breakfast. Again it was stock up time, with it being nearly 2 weeks before we hit a major town we raided the Woolworths, BWS and the boys spent their hard earned on a few more matchbox cars. Jack managed to find, and buy, a Shane Warne limited editing matchbox car....I am guessing an ash tray and texting facilities would be standard....

Carnarvon is the fruit bowl of WA and we stopped at one of the local farms roadside stalls to grab some real fresh produce on the way out. We headed to Quobba Point, arrived, set up and had a late lunch. The three previous days had worn us out so we all had a big Nana nap. Quobba Point is an old fishing shack village with rickety old lean-tos made from rusted corrugated iron that had been turned into a camping area by the local council. At $11/night with flushing dunnies and a million dollar view, two nights might be a good start! 

On the highest point behind the point is a lighthouse and with the Reds playing the Western Force I drove up to see what reception was like! An hour later I was there all set up, wifi on the end of its stick, with my phone picking up its signal sending it via blue tooth to Izzy’s stereo. A couple of beers and some bikkies and dip and the boys and I were in heaven!

All was going swimmingly well with the technology working and the Reds coming catching up at half time after a slow start.....then it all went pear shaped. Apparently I was out of data, which it took ages to realise as the wifi thingy was on the end of a stick which was zip tied to the top of the truck. The boys gave up and wondered off into the scrubby sand dunes chasing wild goats and 20 minutes and a few curt words later and I was sitting on top of the boat, on top of the truck, listening to the game streaming on my phone.....oh the things you make matters worse the Reds lost!

De had made a delicious dinner that revived my spirits a bit but it wasn’t long before my eyelids were too heavy to read anymore of my book and I dog eared the corner and slipped off into a deep slumber.

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