Day 129 – 14/4/14 – Beasley River Rest Area – Karajini National Park WA

We were on the move by 8:15 which we figured would give us plenty of time to get to Tom Price for the 10am mine tour. De drove as I attempted to catch up on my blogging! We were going great guns even when we realised that the shorter route to Tom Price would be 70kms of dirt road as it had just been graded recently.

 All was going well and we were about 30kms from our destination when, while it wasn’t a pop a loud rumble started to come from the back of the truck.....we had blown a tyre!!

No problems I was onto it and had the old one off and new one on in about 15 minutes. De called the visitor info centre to let them know we were now going to be about 5 or 10 minutes problem...we still had 20kms to go and only 5 minutes before the expected departure time when the phone rang....sorry they couldn’t wait. I planted my foot in the hope we could intercept the bus but no luck as we pulled in 12 minutes late.....the nice ladies said there would be another one on Wednesday....I really really had to bite my tongue!

Jacko was pretty crushed but I said that every cloud has a silver lining and sure enough I peeked my head into the community centre next door and they were having vacation care/entertainment. I explained our predicament to Deb the organiser and she was more than happy to bend the rules and have them join in! Yeah! Not only did that mean they were happy but we were free until 11.30!

De went for a cuppa while I headed to the industrial area in search of a new tyre. The first place wanted $400 for a single tyre, but he who resembles a fishes bottom managed to find another place up the road who was happy to balance and fit a near new (90% tread – same tyre) for....$50! He had two so I got him to also replace the other back one that was down to about 30% and seen you are such good value throw in a wheel alignment while you are at it! I had to come back at 1 as they, like a number of shops in town, close from 12-1. As a treat we went to the greasy spoon for lunch and then I headed back to do the tyres while De and the boys hung around in town down loading new games and goof on their Ipoos.

All done and dusted and only $160 lighter I grabbed the troops and headed to Karajini. As we pulled up to register we recognised the rig in front of us as Mark and Amy so the boys were straight down there and we joined them for a brew before heading in for the night.

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