Day 119 – 4/4/14 - Steep Point – Carnarvon WA

Today was moving day and while tenting, for me at least, had been fun (thankfully I have an extremely patient wife) packing up from a tenting adventure is not something I look forward to. We were on the track by 9:15 and off the dirt 3 hours later, very happy to be away from the corrugations for the time being. 

We stopped by the Hamelin Stromatelites, that were supposed to be better than the one is Lancelin. I am not sure if it was the fact that I had a massive chunk out of my right foot, that my left thong had broken so was bare foot (on that foot only), whether it was the humidity and 30oC+ temperatures or that we were desperately in need of a shower but we all concluded Lancelin was much better and made a bee line to Izzy’s air conditioning.

We picked up Gator, headed to the highway and headed north saying goodbye to Shark Bay. A couple of hours of nothingness later we arrived in Carnarvon where we set up and the boys and I headed to the pool while De took a very long, well earned shower! We spent a bit of time emptying all of the camping gear back into Izzy and had a quite night watching the Eels play the Broncos. It was truley a strange experience in this AFL obsessed state to be able to watch a game of league on free to air TV....

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