Day 122 – 7/4/14 - Quobba Point – Coral Bay WA

Yeah...4 months on the road today!

We had a 3+ hr trip in front of us and were keen to get moving early...but when De asked me what time it was...7:41 was the answer and we were up and at em’. Amazingly we were fed and on the move by 8:30...and we really just pottered!

Our first stop was 500m up the road at the blowholes. We probably should have been to see them sooner but...hey...we’re on holidays! They were the best blowholes we have seen yet. There were a few holes and when the big waves came in they really blew!!!

Three and a half hours later of scrub, the occasional goat and not much else we pulled into coral bay. It was quite weird as the town is only about 400m long but there are people everywhere!!!! Coral Bay is a big tourist attraction as the reef is only about 50m off the beach so anybody can swim out to it. It is also famous for whale sharks (the worlds biggest fish) and they have tours where you get to swim with them. I enquired and they were a mere $1200/ family...and here I was thinking it was the Obede’s that were crook!

Anyway for the next two weeks we are pretty much going to be ‘out of range’ except for one night in Tom Price so doing the washing was top of the priority list! 4 loads and $20 later we were ready to hit the water.

Our research had told us to walk a couple of hundred meters around the headland ‘to the 5 knots sign’ swim out to it and then the current would take us back. What they failed to mention was that we probably should have gone a few hundred meters past the sign so we didn’t have to break McEvoys time to beat the current and make it to the sign! We eventually made it and proceeded to float our way over the reef. It is a pretty cool experience, a bit un-nerving at first, as you float along over the reef. Having snorkelled at Quobba
yesterday I was really excited about today, and while it was good, the reef is soooo huuuge that the marine life is so spread out that it seems kind of quite. The water is also about 4 or 5 meters deep so you are a long way away from the ‘action’ making it seem more like a movie than a real life experience.

After drifting for about 25 minutes we were back at our starting point and despite the ‘other’ three wearing wetsuits we were all pretty cold. We made a bee line for Izzy and the pool at the van park. In the afternoon we headed over to the supermarket that doubles as the tackle shop where I stocked up and the boys each bought a lure much better than matchbox cars!!!

Being our 4 month anniversary we decided to lash out and go out for dinner. The pizzas at the park restaurant had some big wraps so we headed there and we weren’t disappointed. The best part was the German waitress had misunderstood our order and delivered us a Mexican pizza instead of a works pizza.....and rather than throwing it out they gave me three I would liked to have ordered it but it would have been too spicy for everybody else! Yeah for me!

With full bellies we all returned home and the boys were asleep before their head hot the pillows. We have four nights from tomorrow in Cape Range National Park, our longest stop on the trip so far. Looking forward to some snorkelling, bush walking and some awesome fishing...fingers crossed!

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