Day 172 27/5/14 – Merl Campground Kakadu – Couzens Lookout Camp NT

With half of Kakadu still to open for the dry season we had covered all that we could so we headed towards Darwin. On our way out of Kakadu we visited the visitor centre (not ideal I know) and had a chance to learn a bit more about the area. We then trundled back to Jaibaru to get some essential supplies, had lunch again at the local park and headed off.

We made it to our campsite mid afternoon and after setting up went to investigate the fishing opportunities. Couzens Lookout Camp is on the Mary River which apparently had the highest concentration of salt water crocodiles the world!!! My hope was that there would be a nice 3m high rocky bank that we could cast  our lures off....wrong. All we could see was trees. There was a bit of a lookout so we knew there was a mighty river beyond the foliage but I wasn’t ploughing through it! There was another camper so the boys and I headed to see if he knew of any other local sites we could try. He was a friendly old bloke from near Tamworth and he was happy to show us the small track in front of his site that led to a nice grassy flat area on the river bank. we ran back to the truck and got our gear!

As eveidenced by Jack’s effort at Gunlom Falls he is terrified of crocs and old mate had shared with us how many he has seen and a couple of the near misses he had experienced over the past few days. Despite his fears Jack followed us down and we set up our camp chairs 10+m from the bank. I knew I had to be near the bank to cast so I took an extra chair and placed it infront of me as I went to work, my theory being that the metal in the camp chair may work as a sieve when a croc inhales it and me with it hopefully deciding I don’t taste very good. After about 3 casts a lure I recognised it to be useless as the bank was covered in weed and I was on the verge of a mental breakdown due to the fear of being so close to the river.

Plan B came into action when old mate came down and offered us some power bait stlye goop to use on our lines. We ‘baited’ two up and waited, the best part being that we could be the full 10m back from the edge while we fished!!!! Just across the river we spotted a pretty good size croc that I knew was checking us out at a distance. He appeared to be heading away from us which was good news. I had a hit and after few minutes passed it over to Sam. It wasn’t long before he was on and did a great job bringing it in, the only problem was that dear old dad had to then go down to the waters edge to drag the flipping, flopping splashing piece of croc attractant onto dry land. I wish we had a video of it as I am pretty sure we would have won funniest home videos the way I ran from the bank like a startled cat!

Regardless Sambo was delighted with his catch, but unfortunately it was to small so after a quick pic it was left to fight another day. 

We fished for a while longer with our main fun now being  croc spotting. We soon enough discovered why the other croc had headed away from us as now there was a MASSIVE croc eyeing us off directly on the other side of the river. I had a good look at the zoom lens and my guestimate was he was as least 4.5m. Thankfully he must have been on a diet as he stayed on his own side of the river!

Half of him is still under water!

The sun was starting to think about setting, which i believe means dinner time for crocs, so we packed up and headed back. I began to bring my line in when it got very heavy and a little barra put on a quick aerial display for us before spitting out my flavoured piece of goop! Satisfied we headed back, and had a quick dinner before packing the sand bags, rolling out the barbwire and digging ourselves in for the fight of our lives against an even bigger onslaught by the local mozzies. It wsn’t long before we were all inside and after a few nights of hearing the mozzies attacking our screens we took our defense to a new level lighting mozzie coils INSIDE the van! It worked an absolute treat keeping them from finding their way in, but more importantly keeping their zzzzzzing away from our windows. It would have been a perfect method except De and I were coughing and hacking like pack a day smokers for most of the next day.....

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