Day 179 3/6/14 – Florence Falls NT

De had woken up feeling a bit off colour so after breakfast the boys and I, together with the Curries headed just up the road to Buley’s Waterhole (No I did not misspell it). Buley’s is a series of small falls and plunge pools stretching about 150m. The best part was that the plunge pools are all pretty deep so the kids proceeded to spend the next 3 hours diving of rocks, climbing back up and diving again, and again, and again. Rob and I had a couple of dives but the kids just kept on going! One of the pools was so deep, even though it was only about 5m x 10m that you couldn’t touch the bottom, keeping the kids entertained as they tried their best to reach it!

Water logged and tired we headed back for lunch and an afternoon rest before the afternoons activities.

Sambo's lunch today...Mashed Banana and Tomato....he said he liked it but hasn't asked for it again!

We headed off to see the magnetic termite mounds, thinking it would take an hour or two to see these interesting phenomenon of nature. While they were very interesting the walkway around their mounds must have stretched at least 20 or 25 meters reducing our visit to 5 minutes. These little tackers have an inbuilt ability to sense the magnetic poles of the earth and use that to build their mounds into something that resembles a grave stone. Apart from looking really cool they use the shape of the mounds to regulate the temperature in the mound. Other termites do this by going under ground but as these guys live on flood plains they can’t do that so they figured out how to do it differently. Amazing!

A Magnetic mound with a standard "Cathedral" style mound in the background

We headed back to camp and were happy to be joined by another family, that live just up the road from the Curries in Sydney...but their catching up was intentional. So we headed down to the falls for a quick afternoon dip to cool down, but I managed to remember my camera this time! We swam over and had a dive o the rocks, as we did yesterday but today De even managed to scramble to the 'diving rock' and complete a dive that even the Russian judge was holding up 9's for. 

On the way back Jacko spotted a bower bird nest that I was just to cool not to share.

We spent the evening around the campfire relaxing and playing a few games with the kids, with the swarm having increased to six! 

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