Day 176 31/5/14 - Dunc & Lizzie’s Resort Durack NT

Due to a late finish last night it was an even later start than usual! The boys were ensconced on the couch when De and I raised our somewhat weary heads. Dunc was working on his bike and I had a list as long as my arm of jobs to do on the truck so we headed to the local Repco to get the required supplies.

The next chapter in the Telstra saga played out in the local shopping centre. To refresh you all, I lost our wifi, was told by Abdul on the phone we could get a replacement one for $50, the Darwin shop laughed at me saying theirs was $220, Abdul then told me I could get a prepaid one for $150, and now here I was at the Palmerston Telstra shop being laughed at again by a surly early twenty something lass who probably should have considered a job as a prison warden in Afghanistan before a telstra shop. Needless to say Abdul’s advice was again off the mark as the prepaid wifi’s are Telstra and my account is Bigpond so it was back to the magical $220 price tag......I somehow managed to restrain myself from Chernoboling and retreated back to the resort.

The rest of the morning was spent looking after our dear Izzy. She has been working hard in some pretty trying conditions so even though she was 4000ks short of a service I gave her new oil and filter and changed the oil in the front and rear diffs. I hope she appreciates it! I was just finishing up as De and the boys headed off for a sleep while I grabbed some tucker and a beer and relaxed in the pool for a few hours.

Later in the afternoon we headed to the local motor cross club to cheer on Dunc. For those who have never been to a motorcross event, which was us to this point, there are about 10 different classes of bikes and/or riders. In the afternoon they do a warm up ‘race’ which isn’t a race at all but just a chance to learn the lay of the track. Then around dusk they start racing with 5 laps each for the big boys and 3 laps each for the little tackers, with three races each.

Some of the blokes that were racing in the open category were dead set lunatics and should have been committed to the local asylum as soon as the race was over. The speed they were going around the track and over jumps hurtling them 20m into the sky was, for a MX newby, nothing short of ridiculous! However they all appeared to be enjoying themselves and by the end of the meet only a couple of people had been stretchered off, which didn’t seem to bad a result!

We waited eagerly for Dunc who was racing in the veterans group, as they don’t have a ‘really old farts’ category. I am putting his less than optimal performance on the track down to his above average performance around the BBQ table over the past three nights with a particularly spectacular performance including all three disciplines of beer, red wine and bourbon last night! He managed to stay on the bike for all three races which must be said is a whole lot better than I could do.

After the races were over we adjourned back to the same high performance BBQ table and continued well and truly into the weee hours of the night.

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