Day 186 – 10/6/14 – King Ash Bay NT

Brrrrrrr.....its bloody cold!!!! The idea was to get up pretty early and get on the water but it was to cold to even contemplate as we snuggled under the doona. Eventually we got our stuff together and launched Rufus. For the past 6 months the motor on Rufus has been playing up, with it spluttering even when idling and it sounding like it has emphysema when I accelerate. I have managed to deal with it until now using the primer to keep the fuel in the fuel filter up, but with the multitude of snappy handbags in the area I wasn’t feeling overly comfortable about it. The boys and I launched and had a troll up and down the river staying as close to the boat ramp as possible with it giving us even more grief than ever. After a couple of hours we gave up and headed for home with nothing but a lighter fuel tank and a fair bit of frustration to show for our efforts.

After lunch I headed up to the shop, yes King Ash Bay has a shop and mechanical workshop, to see if they had a coupling for the fuel line as that is where I suspected the problem was. I gave them about 0.0001% chance of having one...I should have bought a lotto ticket while I was there as while they didn’t have both couplings they did have one! De and the Boys headed up to the fishing clubhouse for a game of Bush Bingo while I worked on the motor. I replaced the coupling and was still having problems so I put my bush mechanic hat on and decided the only way was to bypass the coupling and plumb the fuel line direct into the motor...and low and behold it worked!

The bingo prize haul....just what we needed in the van!

I was happy as Larry as were De and the boys as they had cleaned up at bingo bringing home 6 out of 20 games! Apparently they were getting some pretty savage death stares from some of the grey nomads who weren't real happy with their luck! With Rufus now cured of his coughs we hit the water again with glee! On the way up river another fella had hooked a groper and was having a almighty fight trying to bring it in. He had been going for ½ an hour and we hung around for about 15 minutes until he eventually lost it, but the boys were excited by it.

We trolled along the banks of this magnificent river picking and choosing our spots in the hope of catching a barra. A couple of hours later we were still empty handed but had really enjoyed our time, especially without the stress of Rufus playing up! As the sun set we headed back and settled in for  a quite night.

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