Day 184 – 8/6/14 – Barunga Aboriginal Community – Daly Waters NT

We had slept the sleep of a thousand dead as yesterday was a huuuuge day. We tooed and froed with the idea of staying at the festival for another day as we would like to have stayed for the footy finals and the spear throwing comp, but they along with the concert were all in the afternoon and evening and we decided we had better move on. The boys headed over to play with the other kids while De and I pulled down camp.

A very average photo of the camp that stretched as far as the eye could every direction
When we were done we drove over to where they were...supposed to be....and found they were off kicking some free footies they had got. We weaved our rig over to the footy ground and drove around hoping to see them with no luck. De went for a walk and couldn’t spot them....a mild form of panic was just starting to set in when a super happy bloke came over and asked us if we were the ones who write for Go Camping....It was so hard as we wanted to chat with him but we were missing a couple of reasonably important things.....

We drove back to the others camp hoping they would be there, but while their camper was still there they were at the festival somewhere. We drove back and parked the van back where we had been last night and started to search for them. Now remember there are about 5,000 people walking around an area of a small suburb and we were trying to find just two of them, albeit Sam's hair stuck out a little. In the end a slightly red eyed Sambo was discovered checking out the food stalls and Jacko had managed to find the other family and was listening to some lessons on Creole, a ‘common’ Aboriginal language in the northern areas.

We held their hands tight and headed back to the van and hit the road heading back to the Stuart Hwy and then south to Mataranka. After a quick bite we headed to the local caravan park that have a free barra feeding. The temperature has really dropped over the past couple of days and the barra were on strike as a result. They did manage to get two to come up for a feed and fortunately Sambo was selected and was the only one from the crowd who managed to feed one. The ‘boof’ they make as they inhale their food is quite amazing and while I have seen it from a far in the rivers this was pretty spectacular!

We headed of for a dip at the Mataranka Hot Springs that also has the replica building that was used in the filming of “We of the Never Never”. With De and I not having read the book of seen the film we made pretty quick work of that and headed for the hot springs. The hot springs were nice but unfortunately we are pretty spoilt and being the Monday of a long weekend it was packed with people jumping and yelling....not exactly hot spring relaxing kind of stuff! 

We packed up and hit the road getting into our destination, the Daly Waters Pub, around 4...and the caravan park adjacent to the pub was chockers...with us getting one of the last sights!

To celebrate our 6 months on the road we lashed out and had the ‘famous’ Beef and Barra meal along with a couple of coldies from the bar. We spent ages looking at all of the paraphernalia that is glued, pinned, stuck or stapled to every square inch off the bars walls, roof, poles...everywhere. we discussed what we could add and the boys had a fun time completing the activity book that they gave out...for FREE!

Another Huge day drew to a close and when the live music finished up around 8:30 we headed back to the van and slept like babies!

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