Day 178 2/6/14 - Dunc & Lizzie’s Resort Durack – Florence Falls NT

We were up early to say goodbye to our wonderful hosts as, being Monday, they had to go to work! We said our goodbyes and packed up. Sam’s five day old UHF had already grown legs, so we spent an hour turning everything upside down trying to locate it without any luck...bugger. 

Around this point the second last instalment of the ‘Telstra Saga’ played its self out. I called Telstra complaints to let them know what I thought of their service and asked to speak to somebody in Australia, while the lovely lass in the Philippines was trying to be helpful I don’t think she was getting the problem that once I leave Darwin the next Telstra shop would most likely be in Longreach and we were taking the long way to get there! The nice bloke had a look through the notes left by Abdul and the ‘super helpful’ staff at two Telstra shops and he agreed that I should be able to get one a bit cheaper than $220. The amazing thing was I offered to pay $150 but he said he was happy to give it to me for $50!!! I raced up to the local shop and picked it up! YEAH!! I then spent the next ½ hour on the phone with their tech support getting it working but I was a happy man as we headed off. (the last instalment is later in this post so don’t go away now!)

We rolled out of Darwin heading south towards Litchfield National Park. We had only been on the road 10 minutes when we got a text from Rob & Cad Currie, another family we have caught up with heaps, saying they were heading to Litchfield and were wondering where we were!! Timing is everything! We rolled on with the boys having McDonalds as a special treat as they had behaved themselves so magnificently while we were at the resort!

A couple of hours later and we pulled into Florence Falls campground @ Litchfield and there were the Curries. The boys were extactic as was Finn their long lost BFF! After setting up we got a few things together to head down to the base of the falls for a swim. One of those things was some of the yummy muffins that De had cooked yesterday, which we keep in the cupboard above the rangehood.....why am I telling you this....well.... as I pulled out the tuppaware container with the muffins in it I noticed something behind it.....have a guess what it was....c’mon surely you can figure it out......yep after two weeks in hiding this bloody thing has decided to turn up TODAY..yep there was the old wifi device.....I could do nothing but laugh!.....and think how much I could get for this thing on the telstra saga finally came to an unexpected end.

We headed to the falls, however I forgot my camera or any other picture taking device so you will to be satisfied with your imagination, or going to tomorrows post, as I was smart enough to remember the camera for our second visit. Despite not having a pictorial record of it we had a great time scrambling up the falls and then diving back down into the pool. It was only about a 2m dive but the kids were loving it!

It was starting to get dark so we headed back up the mountain of steps that were bolted on to the side of a mountain. It would have been almost impossible to get down to the base without them! We cooked some dinner and had an enjoyable evening around the camp fire chatting with Rob & Cad about their and our adventures since we last saw them at the Kununnarra Rodeo. Our previous five days at the resort had reinvigorated us but due to the number of late nights had also tired us so we were early to bed

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