Day 101 – 17/3/14 – Fremantle WA

The boys were super keen to get over to Nana’s cabin and they couldn’t wait for the curtain to be pulled back before they jumped into bed with her. With the washing and some schooling done we headed into Freo to have a look around. They have a great free bus system so we had a quick look around town before I was dropped off at the maritime museum while the other looked at the round house and a few shops.

I had read about Batavia, the Dutch ship, that was wrecked on the Abrolhos Islands in the 1600s and was keen to see it as well at Australia II. The museum was great and I enjoyed the America’s Cup display as well as the pearling lugger, as I have just finished reading a book on them, but the Batavia was nowhere to be found. On leaving I found that it was at a different museum!

 I caught up with the rest of the crew who, being St Patrick’s Day, were having a beer at Rosie O’Something’s where I joined in the spirit with a very tasty pint of Guinness!

I then grabbed the boys and headed for the shipwreck centre where we were all, I was spell bound, by the Batavia display. It was incredible to be standing there looking at the amazingly well preserved hull of this amazing ship while the boys hung of the original canons that had been underwater for 400 years. There is too much to write about here other than to say if you are ever in this neck of the woods it is a MUST DO. The story of the Batavia is intriguing but the work that has gone into preserving it is phenomenal!

A day in Frwo

We headed back and hung at the park before heading back into town to have a few brews at the Little Creatures brewery. It was a pretty interesting place and while not quite as historically significant as the Batavia it is also a must do!

 We grabbed some fish and chips as the sun set over the Indian Ocean and headed back for a very yummy dinner, a few more brews,cards and it was ni nis for all of us.

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