Day 108 – 24/3/14 – Ellendale Pool – Coronation Beach WA

The flies had been out in the hundreds when we arrived last night and I’d say they must have all gone to the local pub and told everybody about these Queenslanders that were staying nearby as by morning they were out in their thousands. I tried to do school reading outside with the boys which lasted a good minute before we retreated into the safety of the truck, where there were only a few hundred in the cab!

Our first stop on the way to Geraldton was op offs. One was at the local wind farm where I tried to get a bit creative with a photo of Sam. The major problem I discovered was that the wind is always going to be going in the opposite direction to where I want it...

The second was at one of Geraldton's famous leaning trees. Because it is so bloody windy, so regularly over here the trees have given up the fight and many of them just grow sideways, lying on the ground. Smart move really!
Another from the "Are We There Yet" tourist guide

We headed into town and after getting the good oil on all things local we headed for the foreshore, that has recently been re developed, for lunch. Only problem was they forgot to include van parking spaces so rather than walk the 500m back we had it in the van and then I dropped De and the boys of for a play in the water park while I grabbed a few necessities and we headed for our free camp at Coronation Beach, 30km to the north.

Based on the demeanour of the trees you may get a bit of an idea why Geraldton is also famous for kite and wind surfing and our camp site is a bit of favourite destination. I was pretty keen to go for a fish but in the end I just watched the kite surfers going back and forth leaps 5, 10 or maybe 15 meters into the air. I think I would like to try this to experience the thrill of flying somewhat uninhibited but am guessing my Kermit the frog arms may reduce my thrill to 1 or 2 minute runs at which stage I would not be able to hold on any longer!
I know where Uncle Trev would rather be!
 We had a quite night as I had noticed a leak, in what I thought might have been brake fluid, whilst I was digging Izzy out of her sandy bog yesterday. She was booked in first thing tomorrow so we had to be up and going early.

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