Day 96 – 12/3/14 – Margaret River WA

The boys could see the front door to Nana and Shelby’s cabin through their windows in the back of the van. I can’t say for sure but I am guessing Hussain Bolt may have had trouble beating the boys down to the cabin once they saw that the door was open and Nana was awake!

After breakfast it was decided that the girls were going to take it easy around the town this morning while we headed up to Busselton to get a new SIM card for the phone Warnie (aka Ian Daley) has very kindly loant me for the remainder of the trip, to replace the piece of useless wiring that Telstra sold me.

We had a quick look around Busselton walking to the beginning of the jetty and then after finding out it was @ $8 to walk on the jetty and another two arms and three legs to go to some underwater observatory we about faced. I think jetty’s look nicer from the shore anyway!

We then drove along the highway towards Cape Nautualist past some of the biggest beach houses I have ever seen. I am pretty sure we could fit our house and caravan into some of these McMansions garages. It wasn’t long before we had to do another about face as they were also charging @ $8 to look at the lighthouse!! If it was a grand old light house or was perched on the edge of a cliff with a magnificent view I might have considered it. But this thing was short and pudgy and sat in the middle of a brush paddock. I know I am tight but this was a complete rip off!

We instead did the walk down to the lookout where we viewed the Indian Ocean for the first time, a much better one than we would have got from the lighthouse anyway! We headed back to camp and all of the girls to the boys down to the beach at Prevelly for a swim while I headed to the tavern for a bit of me time. Two hours and 4 pints later I was feeling pretty happy with myself as I had picked 3 winners from 5 bets all at decent odds!

 I was pretty tired and the girls were still pretty jet lagged, and they’ve got a big day lined up tomorrow, so it wasn’t long before we were all headed off to bed.

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