Day 82 - 26/2/14 – Grass Patch - Condingup WA

We were up in time to say goodbye to the kids before they went to school and then we headed south on the dirt road towards Esperance. 

The eastern boundary of the farm can be clearly seen in the top left of the picture

We had already agreed that we were going to miss ‘Wave Rock’ from Are We There Yet as Hyden was a 200k round trip but to our delight we found out there was another one on the way! A slight detour and a bit of walk we were at the summit of Mt Ridley looking back over the farm and then we were surfing a pretty cool wave rock. Sambo managed to shimmy along a very narrow ledge to the middle of the rock. It looked pretty cool but unfortunately it was almost impossible to capture on the camera. The next problem was getting him down from his perch!

We headed to Esperance and, as it had been a week since we were in a decent sized town and had to get rid all of our fruit and veges at the border, did a massive stock up! We had read about Lucky Bay in Cape LeGrande national park as being one of the best beaches around so we headed there in the hope of getting a camp site. The park is about 40ks out of town and Lucky Bay and its camping area is 8ks in from there. There was a big sign saying no more camping available at the park entrance but we decided to run the gauntlet and hopefully have somebody moving out as we came in. Hmmm according to the volunteer park supervisor we shouldn’t have done that and he gave me a fair gob full to make sure I understood. It took all of my will power not to share with him some of my wisdom and after having a look at how squashed in the vans were I was happy to be moving on. There is no doubt Lucky Bay was magnificent but when it is shared with another 40 or so people I am guessing it would lose a little of its specialness!

We headed further back east and ended up at a free camp on the side of the town water dam over looking the small town of Condingup. The boys put the yabby pot in but came up with only littlies. We ate dinner looking out over our little domain as the sun sunk out of sight. It wasn’t Lucky Bay but it was quite!

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