Day 113 – 29/3/14 – Under a Radio Antenna – Monkey Mia WA

We headed into Denham early, too early in fact as when we arrived at 9am everything was well and truly closed. We had read about the local emus but were pretty surprised when there were three of them wondering up the main street, one in the middle of the road! After stuffing around for a while we restocked and head for Monkey Mia, almost taking out an emu along the way!

There was a common thred to the morning as when we were backing into our site there were 4 emus there. It was quite funny as De’s job is to hop out and give directions as I back it in. Usually she stands right near the back of the van, but not today! To make things worse once we were parked up De grabbed the loaf of bread from the truck, which we have learnt is like a red rag to a bull as this is their favourite food and their infinitesimally small brain seems to be able to recognise at least this one thing!

We took the boat off and while the boys and I were waiting for De to come back from dropping the truck off Jack noticed an ‘old bloke’ with a Western Force hat on and he suggested that I should check with him to see if he knows if the resort bar has fox and if it will be showing this afternoons Reds game. Vince was cleaning his impressive days catch and when asked about the bar immediately volunteered his TV and caravan for us to use to watch the game as he has fox! It was like winning a big win on the scratchies!

We took the boat along the coast for about 5kms passing the local pearl farm dragging the boat up and going for a walk along the beach. Very soon we noticed heaps of small sharks and rays that were sitting in the water 1 – 2m of shore. It was pretty cool as they would swim along just in front of you thinking they were getting away..when in fact we had 0% chance of getting near them!

We motored back in time to prepare some nibblies and head over to Vince’s. Here we were looking over one of the world’s best beaches watching the Reds...please don’t pinch me. The game was great as the Reds got up and I even managed to keep my cheering to a dull roar! Vince also provided us with some home grown olives that were absolutely delicious!!

Is this not the best place in the world to watch a game of footy!
After the game there was a magnificent sunset...that I was pretty sure was put on to celebrate the Reds win!

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