Day 134 19/4/14 – Cape Kereaudren – 80 Mile Beach WA

One of my first world problems is that I have so much fishing gear that when it all comes out it takes me about an hour to pack it that’s what I spent the morning doing! While the boys are usually really helpful packing up, we have discovered that when they have BFF to play with and we are leaving we are better of letting them run riot and we just we did!

We headed northwards again and set up at the 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park. There is pretty much nothing for 200ks south and 350ks north but in this isolated spot is a massive van park with around 1000 people camping there. It was great as all of the sites were grass, keeping us of the sand and red dust. We pulled in and set up for Easter

It was a bit weird as there were hundreds of van, tents and swags but you could count the number of people on one hand. Jack and I wondered over the dune and were completely amazed by the view we encountered. Bar the handful of people the other 1000 were spread out 5 – 10 m apart from each other fishing, as far as the eye could see. Figuring the tides must be right for fishing we packed up and followed the crowd!

Looking South

Looking North
Pretty soon we were donating bait to the threadfin and blue salmon as people around us were pulling them in....grrr...this is starting to get frustrating!!! As soon as the tide turned the beach started to empty out and by 2pm there were only the frustrated fisherman left! We headed back empty handed but I had spent a bit of time at the end quizzing some of the locals and felt we were going to have more luck tomorrow!
Sambo's new nickname is Sanga
All of the red dust and sand has infiltrated his blonde locks turning them a shade of ranga red!
The rest of the afternoon was spent lazing around in the shade, it was pretty tropical, but a nice breeze kept it cool! The boys made baskets and signs for the Easter Bunny. I said they had better not get their hopes up to high as its is pretty hard for him to carry to much gear to such an isolated place!

The best part was that there weren’t any midges or mossies so De and I could sit outside and have a few drinks while I whipped her but in a game of Euchar before turning in for the night!

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