Day 130 – 15/4/14 – Karajini National Park WA

Warning: Karajini is a photographers all you can eat buffet. And while I do not claim to be a photographer I wasn't lining up at the salad bar!

Mentally I had decided that we should get a pretty early start as we were going for a pretty decent walk in the desert and the temperatures have been in the low 30s all week. I am not sure where my good intentions went because as we were walking out of camp it was already 10am and the nice Scottish lady camping next to us was just getting back from her walk!

For the next 4 ½ hours we had a wonderful time walking through Dale’s Gorge. We started at Circular Pools where we had a swim in the pretty cold water. The small waterfall was created by water seeping through the rock so it was nice and warm. So we would clamber out of the cold water ,up the rocky face of the fall, shower for 20 or 30 seconds in the warm water and then dive back in again! It was great fun!

We headed up the gorge and had a great time as the track varied from gravel paths, through long grassy flats, paperbark plots, rock hoping and wading through shallow pools. All the time we were dwarfed by the 30 or 40m high cliffs of red rock towering over us. Just as we were beginning to warm up we reached Fortescue Falls.

Here the water splashed and bubbled its way down a rocky set of stairs about 40m long. We all swam to the bottom of the falls and enjoyed sitting in its wake as it bubbled against our backs. After  lunch we headed further up the gorge to Fern Falls. This was my favourite! You swam the 40m across to the falls which dropped directly from an over handing ledge in two places. The first, where the water really pounded over I sat on the rocks as the water massaged  my back and shoulders and the water against my head created enough noise to drown out all sound. The second fell into the water and while the water fell on your head the rest of you was under water so it was a very different experience! Underneath the ledge was a big area that was covered in moss and Maiden Hair Ferns.

On the way out of the water the boys were having fun with the fish that inhabited the pond. As Jacko stood up to go his massive frame was too much for the timber decking to withstand and him foot went straight through it. The poor bugger was pretty rattled and a bit scratched an bruised. While he hobbled back out of the gorge with De, Sam and I rushed ahead to get the truck and bring it back to the closest point. It was 2:30 by the time we returned, it had been a great morning.

Ants nest - surrounded by spinifex seeds
The afternoon was spent sitting in the shade of the van reading books while the boys completed their “Junior Ranger” booklets and returned them to get their “Junior Ranger Patch”. At one stage we were all sitting there when you could hear the wind increasing. A bit weird I thought, and then over the next 20 seconds it got stronger and louder and then all of a sudden a whirl wind passed right through the centre of out camp! It picked the solar panel up and flicked it a few metres and grabbed hold of a foam mat and deposited it a couple of meters up a tree 10 meters away. It was pretty cool but was happy that it was only a small one!

The boys got a game of soccer going late in the afternoon and we headed up for a short ‘happy hour’ at Mark & Amy’s. Soon the telescope was out as it was a full moon and after dinner Jack got the moon map and managed to locate some key landmarks, that I thought was pretty cool as I had tried unseccsefully to do it the night before! We also managed to take a couple of pics of the moon on my phone using the that is realllly cool!

It had been a big day and the boys were in bed and after finishing Rowan Of Rin they were asleep before their heads hit the pillows!

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