Day 136 21/4/14 – 80 Mile Beach – Quandong WA

Our plan was to spend two days getting to Broome in time for ANZAC day and, though I’m still not quite sure how, we completely stuffed up as it is Monday and ANZAC day isn’t until Friday. Oh well...we took about 10 seconds to make the decision. We’ll drive through to Broome, stock up and then head up to one of the council free camps on the way to Cape Levequee.

We rolled out in record time and I grabbed the computer to catch up on blogs while De drove the 300+kms. During the trip De and Jacko started playing car cricket where a certain colour car or truck scores you x number of runs with another colour being out. Jack led off with valiant 71 with De, Sam and I all getting starts. The ‘wicket ball’ was a car caravan/RV/camper and I suggested we spice it up in the 2nd innings by adding if the wicket ball had a boat with them then it was a no ball. All agreed and Jack went into bat and got a good start as did De and Sam but they were just getting into the rhythm when they played a silly shot and were out. I strode to the crease with a lot of pressure with the press all calling for my axing. I started nervously and when  was still in single figures managed to be saved by the brand new ‘no ball’ ruling. Confident it was my day I put my head down and played a magnificent innings, retiring un beaten on 101 as we pulled into Broome....the irony being is the next car was towing a camper and I would have been out....the howls from the crowd were deafening!

We rolled into Broome, grabbed some fresh bread...ahh fresh bread....even the woolies in Port Hedland get there ‘tip top’ bread frozen....and headed for the park for a late lunch. On the way we passed Michelle and kids, who we had seen a few times, whose husband had just rejoined them after having to fly home for a while. We pulled up at the water park as they did and the kids hit the park. Pretty soon Mark with his tow kids in tow also arrived, a small Karajini reunion!

My mum has a couple of friends who have been travelling around Oz for a few years and had asked us to pass on a few presents to them when we crossed paths. We were held up at the water park so Chris and Linda (Whoa re avide readers of the blog – must be good people) came to us and had a good yarn before we all headed off.

We stocked up and headed up the Cape Leveque road, turning of to one of the council free camps at Point Quandong, 50kms from Broome.

We managed to find a great site overlooking the beach and set up. While the temperature had been gradually getting warmer this afternoon we got a really good taste of the tropics at its best! One funny sight I had never seen before was condensation dropping from the A/C vents inside the car..all be it the windows were down!
We sent the boys down the beach while dinner was prepared and soon the returned with a bucket full of hermit crabs....these things are like flies! After a yummy dinner of Sam’s ‘whitey’ we managed to convince them reduce their catch to 2 crabs each and after a bit of research they made up some food for them of cuttlefish and seasalt!

We have had to completely change our cooking habits - it is now ALL done outside!

Along with De needing to start drinking from the bottle again, as they don't sell wine in casks in the Kimberly we have also upgraded her ice! With the bore water having many and varied tastes all the ice is now from bottled de da!

Sporting the new look in soft coral beanies!

Along with the heat comes the bugs and even as I type this there are about 10 bugs crawling across the screen as it is the only source of light in the van....oh well had better turn it ni

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