Day 100 – 16/3/14 – Miami Beach – Fremantle WA

If we are late risers on the trip so far I think this one was extreme sleeping in, for us at least! In the end we had to really get moving so we were out in time for the 10 o’clock check out! 

We headed into Mandurah where we were meeting Nana, Shelby and the boys at the Crabfest a local festival which in the end had very little to do with crabs, but they had to call it something I suppose!

About the only thing that had anything to do with crabs!
 The crabfest is run side by side with the extreme sports show, so the boys sat there wide eyed as they watched a combinations of long distance water ski jumping, scooters, bmx and skateboards in the bowl and the finale was the freestyle motorcross. Those blokes have to be absolutely insane!

We wondered through the pulsing crowd with stand after stand of food and other goof for sale. Mandurah is a pretty town with a southbank style entertainment area built around the lake that comes of the river mouth. There must have been 50 – 70,000 people squashed in so it was hard going after we probably haven’t seen that many people in the last two months! We grabbed some prawn and crab rolls, had a quick look around and watched a cooking demo, where they did a crab pasta dish and then headed north to Fremantle.

On our trip along the highway I had to merge and a nice person let me in, I flashed my indicators to thanks them. A while later they came up alongside us and they had a hand written sign as in the picture below. We have our blog address written on the back of the van and these nice people must have looked it up as they were travelling along. It made us feel very welcome!

The boys were straight on their bikes dreaming up new tricks and jumps scaring the heck out of their nana as we relaxed with a few ales and wines. Inspired by the cooking demo I pulled out 4 crabs that we had caught in Streaky Bay and cooked them up. I think the receipe they gave out was wrong as it asked for 3 tbs of kaffir lime leaves. It wasn’t too bad but I think it would have been better with 3 tsp.....

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